Embarrassing subject..TMI alert!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I've found in the last 5 weeks or so, sex has become really uncomfortable..not to mention embarrassing. When we..er, 'get going' I have to stop again to pee, then my belly will start hurting and we have to stop, then when we start again I need to pee..then when finally comfortable I really have to concentrate to 'O'..before I didn't even have to think about it..is it gonna get worse as I get bigger? :lol:
oh i hate it now... can never be bothered and it does buggar all for me :lol: :lol: :lol:
We change all the time, usually start off with me on top then change to missionary. We don't do doggy style alot cause it tends to make him come alot quicker, but will definately try it more if that's the more comfortable position. It's just taking alot of getting used to cause beforehand, nothing went through my mind, now it's all 'Do I need to pee?' 'will this position hurt the baby' and I also feel strange when he puts his hands on my belly during sex..Also I try getting him to buy porn bt he's too shy, even to buy it from the net! And I think we're just stressed with moving and stuff, just don't want him to go without :( But I really do feel like taking a leaf out of Kimbos book! :lol:
lol, id happily curl up with my hair in rollers and reading a knitting magazine with a hot drink than have a night of "passion" - if thats the word :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: with pyjamas staying securely fastened :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
That's a good idea! I can leave him happily in the living room while I can go in the bedroom and watch a DVD! Midna your a genious! (sp!)

Kimbo said:
lol, id happily curl up with my hair in rollers and reading a knitting magazine with a hot drink than have a night of "passion" - if thats the word :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: with pyjamas staying securely fastened :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:rotfl: Oh want old ladies we have turned into, we're only 20!
midna said:
Kimbo said:
no willy is going near my baby girl :twisted: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Hey Kim you think you gone off sex more now you know its a girl?..I think Id feel a bit more weird about having sex if I knew the sex..

probably yeah... since ive known its a girl ive become so protective over my bump its unreal.. wont let nothing touch it, wont let me cat come near it like i used to, and im treating it like bone china lol
so i dont want other half ragging me :rotfl:
Kimbo said:
lol, id happily curl up with my hair in rollers and reading a knitting magazine with a hot drink than have a night of "passion" - if thats the word :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: with pyjamas staying securely fastened :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

:rotfl: :rotfl: same here!!

But my OH is not really in to it either as our little girl starts kicking like mad when ever we are in the mood! That completely kills the mood for us!!
Depends on how much your getting it.. If your not getting it for weeks and weeks and weeks....like some people :x :x :x Despite wanting it.... A LOT... Then you might feel a bit different..

I can't really comment on what its like to be in certain positions now that I am getting bigger...I would actually need to experience the deed in the first place to make such an assumption... :evil: :evil: :evil:

*sore point here...
im reading all this and i cant understnad it :think: nothing seems to have changed for me lol, except the only position we can do is me on top cos OH is in a full leg cast anyway lol. it is getting more awkward the bigger i get tho, something tells me that come november we wont be getting much, what a pair! must look well funy, me with a bump and and him with a bright blue leg! :rotfl:
youngmumtobe20 said:
im reading all this and i cant understnad it :think: nothing seems to have changed for me lol, except the only position we can do is me on top cos OH is in a full leg cast anyway lol. it is getting more awkward the bigger i get tho, something tells me that come november we wont be getting much, what a pair! must look well funy, me with a bump and and him with a bright blue leg! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm going to have to agree with that last statement.
im reading all this and i cant understnad it :think: nothing seems to have changed for me lol, except the only position we can do is me on top cos OH is in a full leg cast anyway lol. it is getting more awkward the bigger i get tho, something tells me that come november we wont be getting much, what a pair! must look well funy, me with a bump and and him with a bright blue leg! :rotfl:
youngmumtobe20 said:
im reading all this and i cant understnad it :think: nothing seems to have changed for me lol, except the only position we can do is me on top cos OH is in a full leg cast anyway lol. it is getting more awkward the bigger i get tho, something tells me that come november we wont be getting much, what a pair! must look well funy, me with a bump and and him with a bright blue leg! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I'm going to have to agree with that last statement.

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