Embarrassing Question

First Baby White

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2007
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Now I am in Team 3rd Tri I am starting to look ahead to the birth and I was wondering if anyone know how your lady bits are supposed to be presented whilst in labour. I have never been completely bald down below as I dont know how to do it without it becoming ver spikey and I always miss bits!!! I normally just give it a number 2 all over but doe you need to be completely shaved whilst in labour. I dont think I could possibly do it as i can hardly reach as it is lol. Sorry for the inappropriate question but didnt know who else to ask lol
as is where is - no need for shaving - in fact surely that would be dangerous to attempt at this stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think it really matters i know years ago they used to shave but not anymore.. i use a mirror doing mine. If you think that's an embarrassing question you're in for a shock in this tri!! :D xx
They don't expect or ask you to shave at all anymore for labour. So don't fret. The only time you will be shaved a little is if there is a need for a C section. And that's higher up on your pubic bone.

However, many women like to shave down there purely for cosmetic/aesthetic reasons. So you can if you want.

My MW, GP and nurse all told me that its actually preferable to not shave as you can nick or scratch skin with the razor etc and that can harbour infection when LO is born. I've been told its more hygenic to not shave right down there *ever*. And really not needed to deliver a baby.

I shave my bikini line atm but for the rest I am leaving it alone. I can't be bothered, my MW has seen it all before so I am not worrying. Also I don't like the thought I could nick myself and get an infection etc, so don't think its worth worrying. If I did it it would be purely for cosmetic reasons and thats not worth it to me atm. I mean look at me :lol: Bloblike, hairy legs, ankles that swell in socks, feet I've not been able to pamper in months... the list is endless. And besides its not like I'll be wearing makeup during labour. Chances are I'll end up looking worse as it'll all run and make me look like a zombie. I'm going for the natural look all over :lol: :roll:
They will have seen everything from the amazon rain forest to the sahara desert....so don't worry :rotfl:

As others have pointed out, there is now no medical reason for it - like when my nan had babies, they saw it as necessary. So, go with whatever feels comfortable and natural for you :D
No, not necessary these days. I've always had my own personal 'lady gardener' in the form of my husband :lol: So might be worth asking your other half to get involved if you can't see/reach.

L xx
I've had to let things go down there. I just can't see or reach anymore. I tried doing my bikini line in the bath yesterday and cut myself :doh:
:cheer: yay for this post! :cheer:

I think a lot of us were worried about this. I just thought sod it I can't see down there and I doubt the hospital care

I can't reach and I can't be ar5ed so I'm having a bush baby :rotfl:
Trust me, by the time you're in labour you won't care how hairy you are/aren't LMAO
Having been at the other end (ie I have delivered babies) most women are as nature intended by the time they are in labour - it neither looks bad nor causes any problems so I would leave well alone for the infection reasons Sherlock mentioned. I keep my leg hair short and my toenails painted cos I am just vain like that - at my last hospital appointment I was introduced to the toenail test ie I could reach to paint my own nails so baby couldnt be that large for dates :lol:
nikkimitch said:
I keep my leg hair short and my toenails painted cos I am just vain like that - at my last hospital appointment I was introduced to the toenail test ie I could reach to paint my own nails so baby couldnt be that large for dates :lol:

I wish I could reach my toenails :rotfl: I can only look down forlornly when sitting in bed and remember the days when I was able to pamper my feet. I do tend to paint mine come spring/summer when open toe shoes are being worn but will have to wait a while longer :roll: :lol:
kalia said:
debecca said:
I can't reach and I can't be ar5ed so I'm having a bush baby :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Me too!

me three :rotfl: :rotfl:
why bother
there is no way i can reach James gives me a tidy up trim now and then s im not to bad not that i can tell i cant see now :rotfl:
I can't see it and my OH isn't using it at the moment so I've left it alone! I'm a bit happy with my razor though so I doubt I can leave it alone very long! :rotfl:

Love this topic!

I didn't bother shaving last time and ended up being shaved by the midwife for my emergency section.

The only thing is they dry shave you - for some reason they're not allowed to use foam or whatever :roll:

Still it wasn't as bad as I thought it might have been.

For my labour I think I had about 4 different midwives and 2 doctors "down there" and none of them walked out of the room laughing at the state of my bits so it can't have been that bad! :rotfl:
can't imagine any1 see my bits with hair :oops:
Im quite shy. even from my DH. But ladies I got an impression that some of u doesn't even shave ther legs?? :shock:
how come ? it's not that difficult i guess. I lift my legs a bit on a plastic chair that i got and put in the shower and quickly shave. the thing im lazy about is my thighs as i don't like to shave it i either wax or use an epilator but it takes time :evil:
maldives said:
can't imagine any1 see my bits with hair :oops:
Im quite shy. even from my DH. But ladies I got an impression that some of u doesn't even shave ther legs?? :shock:
how come ? it's not that difficult i guess. I lift my legs a bit on a plastic chair that i got and put in the shower and quickly shave. the thing im lazy about is my thighs as i don't like to shave it i either wax or use an epilator but it takes time :evil:

Cause we are lazy buggers! I only do mine once a week or so- when it starts to bug me but tbh I have more important things to be doing... like, er.... being on here! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I wear trousers all week so it's not like anyone sees them other than my OH and he's going to see much worse than a few leg hairs when I give birth so I'm toughening him up! :rotfl: :rotfl:
maldives said:
can't imagine any1 see my bits with hair :oops:
Im quite shy. even from my DH. But ladies I got an impression that some of u doesn't even shave ther legs?? :shock:
how come ? it's not that difficult i guess. I lift my legs a bit on a plastic chair that i got and put in the shower and quickly shave. the thing im lazy about is my thighs as i don't like to shave it i either wax or use an epilator but it takes time :evil:

At 37 weeks plus with my bump attempting to shave my legs is a nightmare :roll: I think it depends on your bump, where it sits and how easy you can reach down to your legs :lol: I just can't be arsed to shave them now. I'll wait til LO is here. Hubby has shaved them from time to time for me since I've not been able to but tbh, its still cold here and my legs are not on show to the world yet, so I am not worrying :lol: Once they get past a certain length it actually really softens up and is not really noticeable at all.

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