Embarrassing question


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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This is really embarrassing sorry if TMI but earlier this afternoon I felt i really needed the loo but when I went it was just a big blob of CM. I know it is normal to have increased discharge but has anyone experienced this.
I was normal in colour the amount of it just shocked me :oops:
Yeah i think that is normal. I remember having an increase in CM around 14ish weeks then it faded back to normal and came back again a couple of weeks ago :)
:hug: Thanks Debbie it really freaked me out.I was at work so I couldn't even ask anyone.
I couldn't wait to get home so I could come on here and ask if it was normal.
yep me too :wave: :wave:
it stopped a few weeks ago but last few days its come back again
Thanks girls :hug:
It was really weird it worried me a bit
i'd rather hubby did! :wink: :rotfl: :oops:
Midna...i'm sinking to your level!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
i thought i had a bit too much going on down there so went to the doc and i HAD thrush :oops: all gone now!! Got told its quite common in preg but they won't sell you anything over the counter for it and thats what could of caused me to bleed :oops:
DebbieM said:
Aww, at least it's all sorted now Anne :)

yeah even though i feel really stupid at least it puts my mind at rest. They are going to have another look on friday to check it all out-lucky me!!
oooo thrush , i lucky girl , have u erm , done the deed with hubby ? ive passed it to him before :oops: get him some caneston incase lol

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