embarrasing moment


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i've had one of those embarrasing moments! first of many i guess...

I wet myself.... at work! can it get any more embarrasing! (should i not ask that?) luckily no-one noticed.. i was in the kitchen alone!! and it wasn't a down pour! enough thou to make me uncomfotable for a while... lucily i'd just been the loo 5 mins before so it wasn't a full bladder and it was clear water....

Oh Hayley! Maybe we should invest in some Tena lady......

But like you say, it'll be the first of many!

My OH dashed into the kitchen this morning in response to my startled yelp. I tried to deny anythiong was up but eventually admitted that I'd burnt my bump on the iron because I hadn't noticed it was hanging over the board :oops:

After a poor attempt at sympathy he just collapsed in giggles. Git!!
LittleMinx said:
I tried to deny anything was up but eventually admitted that I'd burnt my bump on the iron because I hadn't noticed it was hanging over the board :oops: quote]

Ouch. I've done that before, looked really attractive when I saw my midwife with a big scorch mark across my tum :lol:

Hayley, I do feel for. I've also done that before. Pregnancy is just soooooooooo not sexy :lol:
Oh dear hayley we do have a lot to go through don't we?!! :wink:

good job no one saw..could of been a hell of alot more embarrasing then..im not looking forward to these times now..

Mind i was at work the other day rocking one of the children to sleep, it was nap time so all the other children were snoozing and no noise at all...i had the childs head on one leg and his legs on other so my legs were slightly open to accomodate his comfort..then out of nowhere comes out this really loud and pristine fart!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: the supply and sarah who i work with both looked at me in shock and disgust..i just sat there and pointed at the child and shrugged....


cas x
awww hayley i know how you feel hun but im sorry to say it gets worse as you get bigger :( but just keep thinking it will all be worth it in the end xxxx

little minx ive also burnt bump with iron and nearly set it on fire while cooking (gas cookers are no good to pg women lol) u seem to forget its there lol am always knocking my poor bump into something xxxx
you all gave me something to laugh at...

i put a few carrots in the micro wave to see if they'd cook... put a few drops of water in a plastic bowl to stop them sticking together... but i'd left them in too long when i opened the micro wave a carrot popped and spat at me.... it stuck to my bump.. really hurt but was quite funny! it was the speed i moved away from the micro wave that had everyone in stitches..

Oh Hayley, I can sympathise with you hun! I've not actually wet myself as such, but I do have a problem with dribbling after I think I've finished! :oops: I can be sitting there for ages, convinced I'm finished, then the minute I stand up, out pops a little dribble! This is not usually too bad, I've become an expert at pulling my knickers up quick (and of course, there is the obligitory panty liner there to catch anything!), but on Sunday we popped to the local for a drink. I was wearing pale grey combats, and chatting to a friend in the next cubicle and totally forgot to pull them up quick. Because my trousers were pale grey, you could see the dribble all down the leg!!! :oops: I quickly did the button up, ran out to the sink, switched the tap on, then shouted "bloody hell"! When my friend came out the toilet, I told her I'd somehow managed to splash myself with water from the tap!! :fib: :oops:
good thinking tankett... might have to give that one a go next time (hopefully there wont be a next time but best to have a plan)


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