ella keeps hitting herself, any ideas?

Baby Bean

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Recently ella has started hitting her head by her ear with her hand mostly but sometimes a toy/dummy if she is holding one. it seems to be the same side (right). She doesn't seem to be in pain or upset and is generally happy. Any ideas why she is doing this and how I can get her to stop? I'm getting quite worried about it!
Isn't ear pulling meant to be a sign of teething? Maybe she's not getting the pulling bit right?
could it be hayfever my ears and throat itch when i start getting hayfever x
Oscar does this. I read aaaaaages ago that the head hitting is a normal phase and ear pulling is generally either teething or 'wtf is this'lol. I know it can be a sign of ear infection, but I think you'd know if she was feeling unwell.

Oz isn't doing it as much these last few days, but it hasn't worried me when he does do it xxx
Yes I read it was normal too. Zac will sit there and bang his head repeatedly on the wall (not hard), my friends little boy does it too xx
Wax buildup? Not sure what else to suggest x
Thanks all! Will keep an eye on it but glad it sounds normal :) I did think teething too but none of the other signs atm. Wouldn't hayfever have an accompanying runny nose? X
Thanks all! Will keep an eye on it but glad it sounds normal :) I did think teething too but none of the other signs atm. Wouldn't hayfever have an accompanying runny nose? X

I get hayfever in my eye alone sometimes lol. My eye just waters for hours. tbh though it just sounds like she's displaying normal behaviour xxxx
Charley went through a phase of hitting his head when having a bottle, I thought it's just where he's found his head. He stopped doing it after a couple of weeks x.

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