Elective section

Lulla Bell

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2016
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Hey Ladies, So Baby is still breech and Ill be getting booked in for my section tomorrow,
Im fully aware that there is still a chance He will flip before the date, but I want to be prepared!
How can I make sure I heal as nicely as possible? I know rest is essential but does anyone have any tips?
We dont have family around and my OH is self employed so wont be able to take two weeks off straight away, He may only be able to take a week off after he has got all him jobs done!
Are there any vitamins or what not I should try?
Im fully up for hippy advice hahah
The biggest pain in the ass is that you can’t drive for six weeks after a section. If it were me I’d stock up on a cupboard full of essentials and see if you can fill your freezer with meals
I've just started batch cooking today... Planning on having three different types of meal in there.
I know :( I Bloody love driving my little car, but I guess it saves on Petrol haha
Make sure you can get to toilet quickly, do not climb stairs, do not lift anything, make sure everything is to hand as getting up off the settee is very painful, bathe as much as possible, just sleep when you can in between everything else. Too be honest I couldn't have done without my partner for at least two weeks especially until sleeping became more easy. I just remember néeding a lot of help. You also have to inject yourself for a couple of days to stop blood clots. The c section is the easy bit it's the recovery that's hard! Xx
Ahhh My toilet is upstairs ! :( Maybe Ill be making a camp in my bedroom then!
I think the batch cooking and setting up everything so it's easy access are great ideas. I have no direct experience as also a first timer but I always hear people saying that feeding can be tricky at the beginning due to the scar. If you haven't got one already, it might be worth looking at feeding pillows etc that might help with baby's position.
Well looks like ill be having him in the next couple of days, There have been some complications and he needs out asap!
Im now not feeling very prepared!
Ive heard trapped wind after is a killer? Does anyone have any remedies?
Also Arnica tablets ? Yes or no?
The catheter ..... Does it hurt going in/ coming out? I dont know why this scares me so much but im freaking out!
The one thing I didnt want was a section and now I feel like its being thrust on me even quicker!
Im happy to spend what ever I can on remedies to help after!
I've had two emergency c-sections (and booked for an elective in Jan). I've never taken arnica so can't comment on that.

They'll try and get you on your feet again asap, but make sure you keep on top of your pain killers for the first couple of weeks.

Tbh the trapped wind was probably the most uncomfortable part! It felt like it was in my chest and shoulder. I was given peppermint water and lactulose. The lactulose was probably more effective!

The catheter was absolutely fine, didn't feel a thing!
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I have heard that windeze clan be good for trapped wind.
I wish I'd have known about them when I had DD as I suffered with it in my shoulder blade for a while and personally I think that was worse than anything else.

You can't feel the catheter go on or come out, don't be worry about that.

Take all the help you can get when you can get it. Don't do anything too soon and listen to your body. If it starts to feel too much then stop and ask for some help.

I remember after about 2 weeks I was feeling loads better and by week 4 I felt pretty normal again.

Most of all, enjoy the experience of giving birth to your child. There is no better feeling than bringing life into this world.
Hope all goes ok for you and look forward to hearing how you get on xx
Hiya, ive had 2 previous sections and booked for third in nov. I would say it is important to keep talking the tablets given to you for first few days even if you feel fine. Also getting up and move about slowly as soon as you feel able. I havent taken arnica so can't comment and also havent experienced trapped wind after either- touch wood I don't with the third :)
This time I'm going to alternate the dvt injections between each legs and try a different spot too, to avoid getting sore spots.
Catheter- i honestly could not feel a thing and was also worried firat time but honestly it was actually nothing.
With each I have felt stronger after 1 week and able to potter about doing little things although do not over do it- I felt great after few days with first section and tried to get back to normal too soon, i ended up achey and tired.
All that said, both sections were amazing, straight forward and healed lovely. And i got two beautiful daughters :)

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