Egg whites, Me and the DH

Tabby Twinkles

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2008
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Lol last night was a first for me and DH

we tried something new lol , ttc does make you mad a willing to try ANYTHING lol :lol:

We used the old egg whites method

:rotfl: the egg wasn't quite warm enough lolol! It's completely unromantic but hey it might work!

A bit tmi but the egg whites did keep more little spermies inside if you catch my drift, lol I didnt have to get Mr T to hold my legs up for so long :rotfl:

I'll let you know if it works! Good success rate apparantly!

Thsi cycle I drank pink grapefruit juice (not from concentrate) from end of Af to Ov a tall glass each morning.

And it was brillaint!!! really helped with my cm!! and I caught my eggy!!! :cheer:
ooh pink grapefruit juice, I shall try that!

I get pratically no ewcm so every little helps lolol!

I bloody hope I don't get an infection from the egg whites haha! I'd hate to explain that to my GP!!! :rotfl:

Well I hadnt had ewcm in over 3 months.

It really worked :D
Please excuse my ignorance but how does drinking pink grapefruit juice affect your CM?
Grapefruit juice is very acidic, and make the body more alkaline (dont ask me how) and effecting you cervical mucus, well thats what ive ready anyway.

If you do a search on google you will find loads of women who have tried it and it was very succesfull!
TabbyTwinkles, you are very brave I really don't think I could use raw egg white. :wink:

Might give the grapefruit juice a go though, pre seed hasn't helped so far.
Thanks Tasha, that makes a lot of sense. I'll give it a go if nothing happens this month. Do you have to start drinking it as soon as AF arrives for it to properly affect your CM or can you start later in the month?
Need all the help I can get!! :lol:
Well lots recommend using it from Af to O

But when I found out about it I was like cd8 (af just finished) I drank a tall glass with breakky every morning

If I had to do it again I would do it from af, but towards O time I had one glass in the morning and and hour before bding.

I also used preseed (inserted an hour or so before bding)

On O day I had very stretchy perfect ewcm, its was beautiful! :rotfl: first time in months!!
Wow, sounds fantastic!!! Will def try it....*goes off to shops to buy up the store* :rotfl:

...ok, now have 3 cartons of it in my fridge :lol: it's actually very tasty
:rotfl: Remember pink grapefruit juice is better and make sure its not from concentrate.

I drank the tropicana one.

Def NOT from had it in BIG letters on the front of the pack!, and Tesco had a 3 for £4 so bought that!!!

Hubby asked what it was for...told him he didn't wanna know! :rotfl:
Oh, I was gonna try grapefruit juice, but I get acid reflux really bad if I drink or eat anything acidic, so I don't want to risk it. I hate having reflux. I gave up tomatoes and I hardly get it now.
I read that Vitamin C especially the one found in red blood oranges helps with the EWCM so i bought the Tropicana Sanguinelo juice and drank a glass every morning for a week starting from my last day of AF and i got EWCM by the bucketloads :lol: seriously, i had to wear a protection because i'd had enough changing my nickers twice a day!! i had it for 5 days in a row which never happended before. That was last month and unfortunately didn't result in a BFP but I tried again this month and had the same result...i am 11 DPO so fingers crossed it had worked this time :wink:
I googled pink grapefruit juice last night and it also came up with taking Evening Primrose from AF to OV then Flaxseed Oil from OV to AF. That's supposed to up your EWCM because of the oil in it but it says that you shouldn't carry on with the Evening Primrose after you've ovulated because it can stop the egg burrowing.

Oooo, it's all very icky isn't it?!! :rotfl:

Good luck that it's worked this month waterlilie :pray:
So far i've drunk half a carton! :lol:
have just ordered some preseed and off to buy the pink grapefruit juice- i mean business this month!!!!
:lol: xx
:rotfl: woop!

Good luck everyone, waterlillie thats right hun with the vit C!!

Hannah, I tried epo but all it did for me is make more cm, it didnt thin it out, so if you use both, that woudl be good!!

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