effing men


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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need a rant sorry ladies

my OH has been fishing all day which in my opionion is the laziest sport ever so he has had a restful day i have been working my socks off looking after willow doing washing and cleaning all the floors he comes in and doesent even notice the only reason he came home early to to see willow was because i made him feel guilty (quite right i think) and now she has gone to bed he is like ohh im going to have a bath and im like what the fuck i need a bath i stink ( :oops: ) and at the mo he is soaking away while i have just washed all her bottles up and put dinner in the oven, now tell me if i am wrong but i think this is taking the piss.

when he is at work i dont mind as he has been hard at work all day but not when he has been fishing...

ohh it makes me so mad. :x :x :x

and to top it off i cant find my kitchen sissors :roll:

ok rant over
what can i say - i agree totally - i think the difference is we start being mums the minute we get a bfp but men - only start to be dads when bubs is about 2 :shock:
remember the story I once told...my mum bought baby no 5 home, all of us under 7, dad went fishing that afternoon.. :shock: :rotfl:
:shock: Kick him out the bath! :rotfl:

Suppose it's a good thing he's having a bath though-bet he stinks! :lol:
My OH is exactly the same :roll: I take all 3 kids round to my mums a couple of days a week for about 3 hours. Its such a task getting them all ready and quite a long walk there and back and I come home to find he hasn't even washed a cup :twisted: Infact hes usually still sat on the PC where I left him with a load of dirty cups and plates round him. I'd give anything to get a couple of hours in the house on my own and I would get loads done.
My oh is ok but recently hes been a lazy f****** and its been getting to me.Especially as im a month off having a baby, he thinks im fecking supermum and dont think i need a break.
Give him some jobs to do and iof he dont do them point out hes done sod all day whereas you have been slaving.Turn the tap on if you can :wink: works like a charm

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