eeek what did i do??


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Charlie slept from about 7.30pm til 6.20 :) about frickin time too! Was getting a bit worried as when baby number 2 comes along I'd just never sleep. He usually has milk before bed after his bath but he missed out or well, didn't want it. Then he usually wakes at 2am for milk but nothing. He did wake at ten to 5 coughing as he's caught his dads cough but as I went in to see him he went back to sleep.

So the things it could be are:

I gave him a piece of banana and fruit yoghurt homemade smoothie as snacks to hold off dinner time
Gave him cheesy mash for dinner
He napped from 3.30 til 5 and usually he goes bed at 6
However as i put him to bed at quarter to 7 he seemed over tired and kept crying til half 7 when he finally went to sleep...

Trying to think. He then this morning went to sleep at half 7 til ten to 9 and seems niggly now, maybe he's going theough a growth spurt or as he's not feeling good he might just want to sleep it off.

He's had cheesy mash before but not everyday, I suppose its more filling (i put cheese in BTW cause he hardly touches his milk nowadays so have to substitute)

I suppose I can't complain, I've not expected it off him for months now and just accepted it, and he might not do it tonight, can't really force it. was nice to have a break though:) even though I woke up out of habit silly brain x
I know! He's back asleep now, think he's a bit fed up and he also has a sore throat bless him. X

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