eeeeeeeeeek flying ants!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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euw had some windows open and about 40 flying ants came in *brrrr shudders*
i hate them they freak me out i dont kno what it is coz i dont mind normal ants and can tolerate flies (tho they are annoying) but flying ants- urgh no! at least i'm not pregnant now so i could insecticide spray their asses!
will hav 2 go sweep up the dead bodies in a bit *shudders again*
i remember ages ago thousands came in manc city centre one summer day they were everywhere in peoples hair and stuff. eeeeeeeeeeeeuw!
Find their nest and pour boiling water over it! we had them come up between a paving slab in our path last year and OH took the blowtorch to them! :oops: Solved the problem tho! Failing that, try ant powder!
we had about 50 on the patio doors yesterday we raided them and it was like a massacre! They are vile, I am now going to send P out lokning for the nest!!
we had them yesterday. they only last for a day. i remember doing an assignment on them at uni...

its all the queens maturing and trying to set up their own nests and they have to fight for the chance. nobody knows what triggers the event but its called the 'nuptual dance'

there you go... class dismissed :)
just thinking about them makes me itch
poor you.
get them
and have u seen them like mini wasp like things but more brown looking !? proper ugly and keep sitting on my vans windows when im stopped at traffic lights or something ! i then dont wanna open the window !
I haven't seen too many wasps around though thank goodness! Must nearly be daddy-longlegs time - I HATE those!
i dont think shouting at them will make them go away babylicious :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
oh no i think one of our cats might have eaten some :(
he does catch and eat flies and spiders sometimes ( :puke: )
and im worried if some were still moving he mightve had them
hope he didnt and if he did hope he dont get ill :pray:
we have them toooooooo ARRRRRRR I hate them.... there was thousands all flying around outside right up the street i ran and closed all the windows!! Looked like an ant attack!! haha xxxxxxx
Every hot day lately theyve been coming out. I had to shut the patio doors yesterday as they were all crawling up the door and into the house. I get freaky dreams about ants and get out of the bed when I'm asleep and "brush" the ants away and am convinced they're all over the bed (was traumatised twice by ants as a kid!)
They are horrible :? We used to have them in our airing cupboard at our old house!!!

But then I hate any bugs that fly especially daddy long legs *shudder*
tangerinedream said:
we had them yesterday. they only last for a day. i remember doing an assignment on them at uni...

its all the queens maturing and trying to set up their own nests and they have to fight for the chance. nobody knows what triggers the event but its called the 'nuptual dance'

there you go... class dismissed :)

Who's a clever cookie then!!

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