education for pregnant women


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my lil sis seems to think pregnant women can get free education??? is she right?? can i do anything or is it restricted? surely i cant do a degree for free??!!!! how do i go about it can i just enrol and get it free with my exemption card?! i am clueless lmao help!
not sure about that but i do know old (very mature students) people get it for why shouldnt we?? :shakehead:
and yes, i mean degrees! maybe you could check it out on google. Good luck! xx
What?! She's mad! I've never heard of that, seems a bit unlikely to me... worth googling just in case tho' I guess...
That's not quite correct. With degrees there are no tuition fees to pay but you still have to pay your own way with regards to the rest of it ~ ie, through student loans or working etc ~ to pay for accomodation, text books, any trips they have. I was a mature student when I got my degree and I had to take out a student loan to pay for my rent/food/beer money!! as I had no partner to live with or parental support. Thankfully, I've never earnt enough to pay it back :D
*Rainbow* said:
Actually.. i really am doing a free degree.. no paying for books.. or student loans or anything.. im in my second year and have not paid one penny.. in fact i was given a student grant last week of 250 quid.. not to be paid back..

x x

Blimey, that's good!! I just got my fees paid....think I did the wrong degree!!! What are you studying?
rainbow, how do i go about it? whom do i ask? :) x
I didn't realise that. My husband started an OU course but it was something ridiculous like £350 each course so he didn't bother. I had no idea if you were under a certain income it was free!!!
Hmmm....might do my MA through the OU in that case.

I did mine at a University, which is probably why the fees thing was different.

Thanks Rainbow :hug:
We just assumed we'd have to pay, never thought it'd be free!! That's a real bugger cos my oh was doing really well on this computing course but we just couldn't afford it. I'll let him know, maybe he'll start it up again....that's if he can pry himself off WoW for long enough to actually study!

I'm going to have a look too as I love studying.
I lecture in a HE college so i think i can clear this up for you guys. There are many means tested and non means tested grants and loans that you can apply for when going into further of higher education. It all depends on you and how much money you earn. At the moment the typical student will take a fee loan and a student loan. The fee loan covers the tut fees for the year and the student loan is to ocver any living costs you may have. But older students may be intitled to an adult learning grants that can sometimes be around 2000 pounds depending again upon household income.

If your lucky you can get grants instead of loans because of income and effectivly get the degree for free, but if not you will have to pay for the course. Oh and you can get a grant if you have dependants too. So if you have kids you can get a little more.

above is the link direct to the England/Northern Ireland financial support page.
Man I can't believe how many times I've looked on the OU website and never considered that my OH might be able to study for free. I already have a dual degree but OH has none and it's been really freaking me out wondering how we'll survive the distance economically as we hope to have more than one kiddy. Now he has no excuse!
My chap is doing his third now. Hes done maths, chemical engineering and now physics. Hes not happy unless hes learning X

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