Edema - anyone else suffering like me?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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My feet & ankles....actually my whole bloody legs are really swollen with fluid retention, I look like professor klump, it's absolutely hideous & i've never seen anything like it!

I know it's just another 'one of those things', it's not serious & there's very little I can do about it, but it's really bothering me! It's quite uncomfortable, my legs feel so heavy & i can barely bend my joints to walk or drive! I'd like to know how soon this will go after giving birth, anyone know?

I've attached a pic...



  • feet.gif
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Hey - you dont have headaches or flashes in your eyes or anything? Gotta watch out for pre-eclampsia. I have swelling but its not that bad... poor you...
No I don't, I've been watching out for other symptons of that cos I am paranoid! I called midwife yesterday as she's not concerned.
I bet even putting you feet up will not get that swelling down. How is your salt intake? Maybe do some research on internet and see if you can get diet to help? Keep moving your feet in circles to try and ease off the pressure
ha ha, no it makes no difference! even first thing on a morning they are still quite bad...& then get worse throughout the day! I rarely add extra salt to my food so think I'm ok there, i think I'm just unfortunate! I just hope it disappears soon after birth, because it's making me feel so big & i was doing well with weight gain before this :(

thanks for you advice! xx
I was just like you with my last pregnancy and so was my sister, it's not happened yet this time but sure I was further on before so fully expecting it to happen again! I had my rings cut off and even my face swelled, it's not nice! It did go really quick after giving birth though, with a day I noticed a massive difference. There's not much you can do other than elevating your feet, maybe put them in cool water for a bit and keep drinking lots of water and obviously keep an eye out for pre-eclamsia symptoms.
Are you still working? I found that mine were similar to yours until i stopped work last week. Although it could be timine. They were at the worst at 35 weeks, now I am 38 they have gone down quite a lot. Ive read somewhere that you lose fluid in the last couple of weeks.

Hope you feel better soon, i know how awful it is, i couldn't fit into any footware at all, even my crocs were tight!
At one of the yoga classes I've been to they suggested sitting with your legs out in front of you and massaging into your groin area to try and encourage fluid to move and drain away.
I had this bad with Jaycee.. I found a wheat bag to be the best at keeping the swelling down.. The ones u can heat or freeze.. Freeze it and put it on ur feet while raised.. It was lovely :) plus it was major heatwaves in may/June 2004 Which didn't help :(
Other than that nothing helped at all :( it went away incredibly quick after birth though which was a blessing! This time round I'm keeping my feet up as much as possible!
We have twin ankles and feet! I'm in despair at them at the moment because it doesn't even go down if I put my feet up! I'm not doing any walking at the moment, I'm around the house all day, so I've been trying to take it easy, no housework, minimal standing up, and still nothing!

I hope it goes down quickly after the birth! xx
My feet get like this, when they've finished swelling for the day, i'll take a pic and post it for you to see. Unfortunately for me, they did this before i got pregnant, so they aren't even going to go down when my baby is here :(
Meee! Mine are identical and my fingers are like sausages!
It's been really hot here this week (around 35C) which isn't helping either.
Nothing really works, does it? Luckily it's not that bad in the morning so I can still walk to work but in the afternoon flip flops are the only things that fit. Really hoping it calms down after baby arrives!

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