

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Isabella has it. I was given Oilatium cream & bath lotion for her. It doesnt seem to have got worse but hasnt improved it really. Her skin is still very dry. Has anybody got any good recommendations on a better cream/lotion.

I know someobody that has used Olive Oil but dont know whether this was for just normal dry skin????
Hi hun

we tried many creams and things - some prescribed some not. what works for one babe doesnt for another so its a question of trial and error i'm afraid. what worked for us was Eumovate (like a parafin kind of stuff) for bad outbreaks and Cetreban (emoiliant cream) for every day use. took about 3 months to get this right though :( within a day of using the eumovate it was really clreaing and for the first time sicce he was wee had had lovely soft baby skin

olive oil did make the rest of his skin lovely but didnt touch his excema.
also tried aqueous, Vaasoline, E45, Epaderm, Diprobase, Bepanthan (actually nappy rash cream but as it worked on that docs said give it a go - worked better than most but never really shifted it).

hope you find the right thing for her hun. dont be afraid to go back to docs or hv after a week of trying a cream (no point before as they just say give it week!) and ask for something else. i have loads of almst full pots of stuff that didnt work!

i used aloe propolis creme for ewans eczema and dry patches - they have all cleared up now. its £12 for a tube. but last for ages
Em 78, I have been using the Oilatium for about 3 1/2 weeks now and I didnt know whether it takes a while to take effect. I will go back to the docs but I dont really want to have steriod cream. Was the creams that worked for you prescription ones??

Hynorm, where can I read about that propolis creme??
I have cetraben for Jessicas skin, I was told to put loads on and I have fucidin (prescription) for the really red bits but I dont need to use it much now.

If you think your baby has exzema, dont let the doctors fob you off. Sure, some babyes grow out of it but some dont. Jessicas tends to flare up in warm weather but is always there albeit not too bad.

hi babe - i was told by hv to try things for at least a week then come back. i think 3½ weeks is more than a fair trial. Eumovate isnt a steroid cream but is a strong one that you should only use for a max of five days. i think it can be ove the counter( mine wasnt) but of course if you end of trying lots of stuff it will get costly if you dont get prescriptions.

i was reluctnant to use a steroid cream too but the docs seem to want to go down every avenue before they try it anyway (unless it gets infected).

just tell them you want to try other creams before you resort to steroids. (not they are is any harm if its necessary - just prefer not to have to use it too soon.

Okey dokey I will make an appt for docs. I had it as a kid until I was about 7, I do hope she doesnt. I am pleased it has cleared off her face but her skin on her face is ever so dry.
I agree cetraben is really good and it worked great for Aimee as she had it really bad when she was younger. We did have to resort to steriods a couple of times but i found a really good cream that worked called Allergenics from boots and that was brilliant. Aimees is almost 10 months now and hers has completly gone thank god!
Can the doc prescribed Cetraben? Can the doc prescribed Allergenics?
Also forgot to say, will I be able to take her swimming??
I got my cetraben of the GP, not to sure if you can buy it over the counter but the Allergenics you have to buy cos doc won't perscribe it. I tried to get it on perscription as it £5 for quite a small tube but it wasn't in the book of what he could perscribe so i just used it on the worst patches like on her face.
I was advised not to you anything in the bath, just water! i use a tiny blob of johnsons extracare on his hair right at the end so he isnt sitting in it for ages.

as for swimming you can only see how they go. i take alex usually every sunday and it never seems to cause a reaction. if his skin is a little inflamed already i just make sure he has his cream on before we go. it also helps if you have a little all in one sun/wet suit thingy - stops them scratching themselves as they cant get to the skin (alex does this the minute his clothes are of if he is a little irriitated.

Isabella still has it but has not got worse - touch wood. I tried Cetrben (sp??) didnt do much at all. Doctor prescribed Double base which is keeping it at bay but not really moisturising it. I also have Allergenics cream & ointment which seem to be keeping it from getting worse.

Have any of you used Lush products as I went in there the other day and as there products are all natural I thought I might try them. They gave me samples of Dream.
I used Lush on my eczema and it didn't do much good. I tried dream cream, healing hands and a few others lol. They are quite heavily scented which can cause reactions. Perhaps you can try and intervene when her scratcing is worst - ie try and break the itch scratch itch cycle? My mum used to make me wear cotton gloves at night, didn't help me much, but might for a younger child. The other thing you might be able to look at is what is causing the eczema - ie is it worse after certain foods, do you have pets etc? Good luck, you sound like you're doing a really good job by managing to keep it in its tracks so to speak.

I use epaderm and unguentum m from the drs to moisturise my skin, and I apply it regularly throughout the day. Keeping the skin moisturised is supposed to help with the itching. When I get out of the bath, I make sure not to towel dry, but that skin remains damp. I then put epaderm and unguentum on to lock some of the moisture in. It is quite messy though! Also, what sort of oilatum are you using? Oilatum plus has a anti-microbial in it which can help, as eczema can be prollonged if it gets infected. Cant remember if you've used fucidin or not? Depending on where the eczema is it could also be a fungal type reaction - that would tend to be in the folds of the skin, and needs to be kept as dry as poss. Atm I have fungal and non-fungal eczema which makes my post bath routine very interesting lol.

Good luck!

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