I used Lush on my eczema and it didn't do much good. I tried dream cream, healing hands and a few others lol. They are quite heavily scented which can cause reactions. Perhaps you can try and intervene when her scratcing is worst - ie try and break the itch scratch itch cycle? My mum used to make me wear cotton gloves at night, didn't help me much, but might for a younger child. The other thing you might be able to look at is what is causing the eczema - ie is it worse after certain foods, do you have pets etc? Good luck, you sound like you're doing a really good job by managing to keep it in its tracks so to speak.
I use epaderm and unguentum m from the drs to moisturise my skin, and I apply it regularly throughout the day. Keeping the skin moisturised is supposed to help with the itching. When I get out of the bath, I make sure not to towel dry, but that skin remains damp. I then put epaderm and unguentum on to lock some of the moisture in. It is quite messy though! Also, what sort of oilatum are you using? Oilatum plus has a anti-microbial in it which can help, as eczema can be prollonged if it gets infected. Cant remember if you've used fucidin or not? Depending on where the eczema is it could also be a fungal type reaction - that would tend to be in the folds of the skin, and needs to be kept as dry as poss. Atm I have fungal and non-fungal eczema which makes my post bath routine very interesting lol.
Good luck!