Eczema treatment!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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Aimee has been given Oilatum cream for her eczema, one is a lotion and the other goes in the bath but it seems to be getting worse. Just wondered if this is a good treatment for it or should i ask for something else? I have no experience with eczema at all so I haven't a clue.
i know a couple of people who had that for the babies and they said it works really well for their skin. I found out that johnsons baby products dry babies skins i got told if i used that, only to use a little bit at a time.
I used have oilatum when i was a kid for excema, and it was lovely, cleared up my excema, there is some new cream now tho from 'neals yard' i thnk!!!! works wonders apparently
I had Oilatum for Ky and it made no difference, but when we tried Aveeno, it cleared up his dry patches within two days.

Oilatum works really well for some babies, but not others.

Ask your GP or Health Visitor if you can try something else - They will be able to see for themselves that the Oilatum is not working.
Talking about oilatum, I went to the 6 week check today and asked for oilatum prescription for Maheen's skin, as her face is very very dry, and even olive oil does nothing, and you know what!/ she said they tend not to prescribe oilatum, I can buy it myself!!! :evil:
I think it's so unfair, it's quite expensive, and so many poeple told me to get it on prescription...means that THEY got it on prescription!!! grrrrrrrrr!

She also said that if something does not always seem to work, to try to put it more often, as this would make a difference! :think:

mel xx
I spoke to HV about her eczema and she gave me some Epaderm and said i need some steroid cream for her legs as its getting quite bad but i need to see my GP for that. She said the Oilatum was probally working but has stopped and that can happen with eczema and it might work again in a couple of months. I feel so sorry for her she is always trying to scrach her legs. She said i can buy a 1% steroid cream over the counter so hoping that will work, if not i'll be off to the docs. Feel like i live there latlely! Lol

i hope it works for her, i know what its liek being in and out of the docs its no fun at all, good luck.

i hope it works for her, i know what its liek being in and out of the docs its no fun at all, good luck.
I had horrendous eczema when I was a kid, absolutely plastered in it. I used to have oilatum baths every day and them get covered in Hydroquaterzone (sp?) steroid cream to help clear it up. Oilatum and cream together did used to help stop it from getting worse, but didn't dramatically improve it until I grew out of it and used a different washing powder. Like people said, it works for some and not others. There wasn't much else about when I ws a kid though. I am the dreaded asthma/eczema/hayfever kid :roll:

Eczema can be either contact eczema (caused by washing powder/fabric softener), allergy eczema (realted to foods/drinks they have) or it can just be herriditary. Mine is contact eczema and my mum only every used Tesco colours when I was a kid to wash my clothes in and I still use the same now, even for Damien's stuff. I use Tesco Pure Fabric Softener.

Don't know if any of that helps (probably not coz I just rambled!)

LOL...thats me too Sami, asthma/ecxema/hayfever, i have grown out of the excema nearly, only when im stressed do i get little patches.
My baby suffered quite badly from eczema. They recommended I use aquaeous cream instead of soap when bathing him, and plaster him in E45 3 or 4 times a day. For when it was really bad, I used hydrocortisone cream. This is good as a short-term treatment, but should NOT be used long term treatment as it thins the skin. This routine seems to have worked, his eczema is pretty much gone now, although it did takes weeks before it went completely - don't expect it to disappear overnight! :)

Liam has eczema caused by contact? We put oilatum in his bath and then e45 3 times a day and it really works, but i am going to try the neals yard stuff as its natural.
I have noticed over the last couple of days that her eczema flares up when she has been in contact with polyester or wool and with keeping them of her it has gone right down. What kind of Eczema is this then?
Rubie has just started with Excema on her arms. I was expecting it becasue me & OH both have it but I'm still gutted :(
kwain said:
I have noticed over the last couple of days that her eczema flares up when she has been in contact with polyester or wool and with keeping them of her it has gone right down. What kind of Eczema is this then?

This is contact eczema caused by an allergic reaction to the fibres in the material. I prefer cotton on my skin, not usually possible these days but I itch like crazy when I have wool near me.

As for E45, stuff doesn't touch me, and Damien is allergic to it :? put it on his dry skin he had and he went bright red and got a bad reaction to it. Not doing that again!! Think it was the Lanolin in it.

Doublebase cream is a good cream too if you don't want to use hydriquaterzone. We use this on Damien now and works wonders (works great on my dry hands too!!).

For when it was really bad, I used hydrocortisone cream. This is good as a short-term treatment, but should NOT be used long term treatment as it thins the skin.

I have been told this too, but if you apply it minimally liek they advise you, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I used it for AGES as my skin isn't translucent :lol:

I suffer from Ezcema, have done since I was a kid...

I also suffer from athsma (I cant remember how to spell it, damn babybrain!), and hayfever :mad:.

I hear somewhere along the line it crops up with a bad flare up about every 7ish years or so!
I used to use Oilatum in the bath and cream when I was a kid, can't really remember if it worked or not, but my mum always said to me that if I was pigging out on dairy products that it used to flare up, and it does with stress also.

Since I've been pg, It's terrible!!
I went back to the docs and asked for something for it, they let me try Oilatum again but it made it come out in bumps everywhere...
I remember having to change my steroid creams every now and again as my skin would get immune to them and eventually not work, so maybe the Oilatum isn't quite strong enough for your bubba's skin?!

I always avoid soap too, soap really dries my skin and I use baby wipes to remove my make up, I can only use huggies on my face, any others makes my skin sting like mad!! I don't even like to use water on my face as it tightens my skin....

Go back to the GP and see if you can get some baby steroid cream for your LO. But keep up with the applications, and when it;s cleared up, don't keep using it, only when she has a flare up :)

Hope this helps!? xxx
Hi there is a product from a company called Zinplex, also takes about two week before you see results but is not as annoying as creams. It comes in a great flavoured syrups, works for children from 2 months right up to 5 years so even when they stop drinking formula you can keep them on it with solid food. Is about £6 per 200ml bottle, just google "zinplex united kingdom" that should get you to their online shop where there is more info. Good luck! :)
Epaderm....was prescribed for my little one and it does work, but need a patient and have to apply more than 3 times a day. You can use it as soap. I tried oilatum and seems not working, little one have very dry skin and so may try aveeno..and see..My liitle one used to get alot of tiny black batches at his back , applying every meals and changing nappy made a different, when you think things get better his chest has tiny batches and it went now its arms and legs lol. Epaderm does work but need more freq applys.

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