Eczema - your remedies please


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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I think there's been a million threads on eczema. My brother has it very very very badly, and there's a history of it in family - I really want to avoid LO having it too. Unfortunately his skin has started going really red all over - and I mean, all over. We've tried so many different things and nothing has worked. I read in a thread before about hemp body butter by the body shop which we bought today and we're trying. The only thing we haven't tried yet is steroid cream which I'd like to avoid as far as possible.

Anyway just to make sure I don't miss anything, I'd like to know what all of you have tried for your LO's skin and did it work and what didn't work well? I keeps seeing threads about remedies for eczema but thought it might be easier if it was all in one place.

So...hit me girls!

Helen :hug:
Aveeno cream from the Dr. Its a natural cream made from oats and its made by Johnson & Johnson.
Aqueous cream for us has worked the best. We also wash Tyler with it as it lathers like a soap when wet, so really is multi-purpose! We had to have a topical steroid for the bad bits when he was a baby but since then have managed to control it and keep it to a minimum with a regular slap of the aqueous cream :dance:
If you can't wait for the doctor you cn also buy aveeno from boots and pharmacies.

A bit late but I've been busy :lol:
Isaac had dry skin issues and we found Porridge Oats run under the bath water through a Muslin, creates a natural, milky soluyion which will soothe and help his skin, its all natural too, very best wishes :hug:
my ezcema has just flared up again on my legs.
we had to buy bio washing powder and my jeans were washed in it. gonna have to run everything through the wash again

i just put aveeno on, and omg it stung :(
lisa282 said:
Aqueous cream for us has worked the best. We also wash Tyler with it as it lathers like a soap when wet, so really is multi-purpose! We had to have a topical steroid for the bad bits when he was a baby but since then have managed to control it and keep it to a minimum with a regular slap of the aqueous cream :dance:

ditto, plus a tub is massive and only cost a couple of quid.

Star, try dream cream from lush, its great on eczema in adults.
We took DD to the doctor and she now has oilatum for in the bath and diprobase cream. I tried them both on my sensitive skin before giving trying them on DD and they didn't sting. These seem to be working well. We were given hydrocortisone cream too but I haven't used it on her because I don't want to.

Remember that prescription stuff is free so it is worth finding out what the dr will give you. You can explain that you don't want to give steroids and are looking for other solutions.
Ive been using Body Shop Hemp Body Butter on mine, works brilliantly :D
We've been given Unguentum for Flod's face??? What's the difference?
We got given epaderm last week. Has worked well and it's only been a few days.

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