'Ecky thump!!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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Ok had my growth scan / consultant appt today. As most of you know, my bump is a little on the large size and i've been in hozzie for elevated bp, so they wanted to check me and baby over.....
all i can say is omg.....
on the scan she measured head, abdomen, femur etc...they all came out at 37/38 weeks.... :shock:
the poor woman took one look at my face (which was doing this - :shock: ) and remeasured twice more, the average was about 35 weeks. She then said the baby weighs 6lb already!!!! :shock:
That's how heavy i was at full term!!!!!!! aaaggghhhhhhhh!
So a biff is definitely on the cards.......sarah (tillytots) no rain mac needed..just worlds largest forceps!!!! :rotfl:
So...race on....i am NOT going full term, i am gonna do all i can to give birth to this monkey in 4 weeks!!! :rotfl:
Who wants to race...and who else is having a biff???? :cheer: :cheer:
:shock: wow... Lovely big healthy bouncing babies are just gorgeous :hug: Think mine's of the teeny variety so I'll be hoping to keep baking a few weeks yet...
wow :shock: stop drinking that miricle grow :rotfl:

will they induce you?
He didn't say anything, i have another appt with him in 2 weeks. He said it was unlikely with the size that i will go to 40 weeks but didn't mention induction. I should have asked..... :doh: but i have literally been like this :shock: for the past 3 hours.
:shock: bugger :shock:
we know its poss to be at 6lb at 33 weeks ! leland was 6lb 5oz at 34 weeks after all !
ah yes..Gemma. i thought of you today, but for some reason i thought Leland was 5lb so i worried even more!!!
Were you induced because of the hellp? :hug:
i woulda been if i hadnt of already been in labour lol i just had thedrip to increase contractions .
It's a big one hun :hug:

Mine's the total opposite he's gonna be tiny from what they keep telling me
:shock: bloody hell!

Forceps at the ready!! :wink: Bubs could be cooked at 37 weeks which is in 4 weeks....a gain of about 1/2 lb a week would mean 8lb - nice size :D dont worry chick

:shock: :shock: :shock:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
At least that means you should meet baby sooner :D
Blimmin hope so...keep an eye out for me in The Sun.
"Woman gives birth to largest baby in Britain..."
:shock: bugger :shock:
aww you'll be fine! thats what you told me, so thats what Im telling you :rotfl: bet we're both split in 2 by our biff's :rotfl:
fanjitas will never be the same again.... :shock:
gonna jump on hubby as much as i can, as after will be like ringing a bell!!! :rotfl:
Ok hun you're on...but with our combined BP think we ought to have a gentle amble!!!! :rotfl:
:shock: bugger 6lb - 32 weeks :shock: bugger :shock:
good plan, although my hubby was a 10 pounder so this ones got time to grow :shock:
My hubby was 7lb..but he's 6'4 and his brother is 6'7!!!
aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :shock:

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