Ebony preggy

cant wait for mine to be explored 2moro :cheer: :rotfl:

i m joking admins...

dont ban me :oops:

skatty said:
Roxanne I am english and living in denmark. Me and my DH are both going to talk to our daughter in english and she will pick up danish everywhere else. If we were living in England though my DH would have spoken only danish to her otherwise she wouldn't be able to speak with her danish family.

Does your DH speak maltese? The reason we can do this is because my DH has very good english and it comes as natural for him to speak english as it does danish.

There is a very good book called "growing up with two languages" that gives examples, advice and case studies. I can give you the details if you want, they sell it on amazon.

I think it is a great start in life to grow up with two languages :D

Well I think so too! My OH does not speak maltese only a few words that he learnt from me. I am the only maltese in the family who is living in england so i do not have any one to speak maltese with so that baby can overhear me, but I am defintely going to teach my baby my language. I think Im going to pick up your husband's pattern and speak to baby in maltese. Yes Please could you give me some info about the book. My mum is going to get me some children's dvds in maltese too! I am fluent in italian too, thats because I've learnt it from the telly, most maltese people did.
OH reckons the bums come from the starch diet, he's saaarf afrikaaan. Tells DD if she carries on eating the crap she does she'll end up with a big ass :D

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