ebay cheapies


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2008
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just wondered if anyone has experienced faint lines on the cheap tests,as got about 3-4 faint lines that came up straight away,turns out I am not pregnant but just a word of caution about them really as never had that problem with other tests in the past,
They are notorious for evap lines... ive had evaps that you can read from 3ft clearly and they have all been bfn's! :evil:
thanks I thought I was going mad
the lines where coming up staight away and had me fooled thinking I was pregnant,the worst ones where the one step tests which gave a strong evap line,next time I will only try the well branded tests as noticed these gave no lines at all
yeah its the one-step ones i use as well.... they dont always give evap lines but i have had a few so far!!!! :hug:
I tried this out this morning, dipped one in urine and one in water and they both had faint lines :shakehead:
thanks girls thought I was going mad and seeing things,I am defo not pregnant as af is here but a couple of weeks ago I was covinced as you know what they say a line is a line and boy I do think that is wrong
I use these as they're so cheap and I get loads of evaps. I convince myself every time that it's a BFP and it never is! I'm going to try not to test until I'm a week late this month.
I got a line on these last cycle but wasnt pregnant so I no longer buy them :shakehead:
I bought my cheapies off ebay from Fertility Plus, and must have used over 30 in my 2 months TCC....

I never had one evap line......in fact there was nothing at all, and the test was whiter than white after POAS.
EllieBelle said:
I bought my cheapies off ebay from Fertility Plus, and must have used over 30 in my 2 months TCC....

I never had one evap line......in fact there was nothing at all, and the test was whiter than white after POAS.

I am using the same ones and so far I have never seen a line, not on the pregnancy tests an not on the ovutests. I see you are pregnant now. Does that mean they did not indicate that you were pregnant?

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