Do OPK's pick up pregnancy?

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Well i am out of tests but have a couple of OPK's left i have ordered some more of ebay but just wondered if OPK's work in a similar way?

If they do - what would i count as a BFP? I know that faint lines for OV are negative

I just know i aint gonna be able to wait until my other tests get here

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Hey there i know you can use them as HPT's but not sure in what way they work though :?
Some people think they work in the same way in that you wil get a line if its positive. But i wouldnt rely on the result because they check for differant hormones.
When I was pg with my son (but didn't realise) I got a positive on an OPK and thought that I was OV early so they defo detect a positive if you are preg.

Yes just found that site myself lol! Doesnt really give a definative answer LOL, so if for example i did one tomorrow and it came up with a faint line would that be the HCG showin through, surely it wouldnt be LH as i got positive OPK on christmas eve?
We have a certain amount of LH present in our bodies at all times. I got a faint line on OPKs every day from CD9 through CD21. Just done another one this afternoon (CD30) and guess what - another faint line. I wouldn't rely on OPKs...

FWIW, I also got faint test lines on internet cheapie HPTs early on in the cycle - well before I ovulated (I'm still waiting for ov!). Either evaps, which come up within the time limit every time, or shadows from the strip underneath, or the tests are too sensitive!

I think you'd be best buying a decent HPT. Good luck!
I did an OPK after i got a positive on a HPT and the test line was way way darker than the control line. As others have said a faint line doesn't really mean anything as we always have some LH hormone in us most of the time.

HPT are designed to only detect HCG and OPK are designed to pick up a large amount of LH hormone but will also detect the HCG too.

Hope this helps
basically same as using them as opks - has to be darker than the control line to be a positive - faint line means nothing

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