EBAY CHEAPIES --really worth using???


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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ok, im angry at my ebay cheapies. im only 10dpo, but im getting impatient and fustrated with them. i bought 25 OPKs and 25 HPTs off a ebay shop called Fertility Plan. i miscarried last month so used OPKs every day until i got faint lines then it went to darker lines, but never a true BFP. i know i Ovd but they didnt really work very well. here is a pic of my LH surge on the OPKs.

then i waited (very impatiently) and tested about 5dpo and got what looks like a bfp with evap line. heres some pics of my hpt at 6dpo...



i waited some more and the line seemed to get a little darker heres another pic at 7dpo.

now i think im at 10dpo.. im due on AF about 18th. heres some pics took yesterday- one is easier to see than the other, the darker test was taken with FMU, the other not. bear in mind i have a crap camera and you can bearly see the lines on the pictures but there is definate lines even OH saw them ..


i dont know what to think really... are these tests really worth the hastle?
Im not really sure ybh ive heard alot of people say they are ok and others not and to use a better brand so i guess i dont really know either way myself? :? :)
I hope they are ok? I got some from the same person! :shock:
I always used the Ebay OPK cheapies alongside the Clearblue Digi OPK, they were fine for that. I'd use the cheapies until I thought I had a positive, then I'd confirm it with the CB, as soon as I got the smiley face with the CB I'd stop testing.

Personally I think the cheapy pregnancy tests are rubbish for early detection - so many women get evaps and they are just so hard to interpret. I gave up with them and used to buy the Sainsburys own HPTs, which I think were about £3.50 for 2 tests.

I'd say steer clear of the Ebay pregnancy tests if your planning on POAS early on, they're probably fine if youre prepared to wait until after AF is due though. Just my opinion...some women think they're great.
i use the cheapies for early poas :D when im about 90% sure i have a bfp i then buy a first response or clearblue to confirm ive used them on my last 2 bfps they are great for early poas addiction :oops:
i had very faint lines from 9dpo till i was about 12 dpo then they started getting darker
good luck hun xxxxx
i think they are good, i always get a really good line on the opk,s and when i was pregnant last time i got a faint line at 7dpo that got darker right up to 12 dpo when the line got darker than the control line, its fertility plan i use.
I also your fertility plan,
i think there great..

And the tests are too...

As people say, great for your addiction of POAS.. lol :rotfl:

And they detected my BFP.. faint line from 10dpo.. and got darker, now i dont think it can get darker than control line hehe... :-)

Good luck babe, sending you lots of sticky gluey baby dust :-)

I did find the OPK's didnt really work for me tho, i never got a really positive one.. well once i think.. they are good for detecting early pregnancy tho (for me that is) xx
Thankyou girls for all your replies! :hug:
so what do you think to my test pics? :think: are these what yours looked like? x
mine were very very faint at 12DPO (what i think was ovulation) as didnt get pos OPK but cycles are normally 28days..

Then 13DPO a lil bit darker...

13DPO a lil bit darker again... (this is when did clear blue digi and BFP)

Day AF was due.. ebay cheapie still faint..

Then about 3/4 days after it was as dark as test line...

hope this helps.. xxx :hug: :hug:
I just thought Id say, I see you tested at 5dpo....that is likely to have been too early to get a BFP.... I know a lot of people do test early and before AF is due but I just thought Id post this advice. Also, see Kitty's thread on early testing - it says:

HCG is only produced in pregnancy and specifically, after the fertilised egg has implanted. This means that HPTs will not detect pregnancy until after implantation. Implantation usually occurs between 7 and 10 days after ovulation. In most cases, the hormone takes 12-48 hours to appear in urine.

Therefore, in most people, there would be no HCG in urine until AT LEAST 7dpo and then it would usually take a few days to get up to the levels which would show properly on a PG test.

I think some people seem to get confused between the terms conception and implantation and test too early.

This isnt meant to offend anyone of course I just thought I might save people the money and anguish of taking tests too early.
Good Luck!
i used them every month and I don't think I ever got a true +, where the line is as dark or darker as the control line!

I used to just use them until the line stopped appearing and took the day they were darkest as my + day.

Funnily enough.......the month I got my BFP I didn't get a + opk at all!!!

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