Eating & Breastfeeding


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
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Hi Mums

Im a bit confused! :oops: Im planning on breastfeeding and I have got to grips with the fact that I wont be able to get back on the booze as soon as baby has been born. But...then I had a thought...I suppose I need to stay away from all the foods which are banned during pregnancy too? So no tasty cheese, peanuts, runny eggs etc? :? :( Is this right? I can cope with no drink...but no stilton??? :(

Ive heard that I can have a little drink if I express does this work exactly?

Thanks x
I'm not a mum but I read that you can eat anything you want and theres no need to avoid those foods anymore. Just avoid alcohol and cut down on caffeine. And obviously try to maintan a healthy eating plan :D
There is no reason to avoiud any foods. Some peopl have found that baby gets more windy after they have eaten cerytain foods but I have been lucky and not found that. In fact the more variety of food you eat the better as it flavours your milk and introduces baby to different flavours.

Alcohol - its not the case that any alcohol you consume is stored in your milk and you have to express it out - rather it is l;ike your blood. Alcohol will be there until your body metabolizes it, so after a while your baby will be fine to drink your milk. I have a drink after Cally has had her last feed and gone to sleep for a long while. Roughly it takes a couple of hours for one unit (though this changes with body weight etc). So you don't have to avoid alcohol, just be sensible with it.


and more info
Girls, you have just made my day! The first meal I will have after baby is born will be toast with stilton and runny eggs on top! :cheer:

So what do i do if i 'need' a night out on the town whilst I am breastfeeding?
sally12 said:
Girls, you have just made my day! The first meal I will have after baby is born will be toast with stilton and runny eggs on top! :cheer:

So what do i do if i 'need' a night out on the town whilst I am breastfeeding?

well first of all you would need to make sure ytou have left milk for baby so will need to express in advance. Then you will probably have to pump and dump if you have drank a fair amount as it will still be in your milk after a night, so would have to make sure you have enough expressed milk for then too. TBH I have had the oppertunity to go out but I have never drank loads as hangover + small baby = nightmare so I have tyended to only have a few drinks then go onto soft drinks so I have a clear head in ther morning and can feed Cally without having to worry about it.
yep u cant have drugs including alcohol just as in pregnancy, and if like me u have a baby-daddy with a severe peanut allergy u gotta keep away from the nuts as well. but as for the runny eggs, cheese etc- these things are only pregnancy ones and not BFing ones because the reasons for those are only coz they can make YOU ill, and tummy bugs *can* (i think) be potentially dangerous to unborn babies. but not to born ones. if that maketh sense! :lol:

yeah u can drink a little, and "pump and dump" but i couldnt be bothered with all that. if theres any alcohol in your milk then apparently baby will fuss over feeding and get cranky- they dont like booze :lol:
I jsut eat normally and drink normally.

I guess i'm meant to express if i drink much alcohol but tbh i've only really drunk twice since having her, and both times i've fed her like normal after a long sleep.

The only think i do is i still dont use any painkillers at all. I will take some paracetamol if i need to but thats all. Everything else i stay clear of. Most thing recomend you dont take them whilst BFing anyway
Yep you can go back to all your normal foods except for peanuts if there are any severe allergies including asthma in the family which means no peanut m&m's sigh. I think you will find that whilst baby is small and you are feeding alot if you have one small drink you will be falling asleep so I don't think you will have a problem lol
I'm planning on bf'ing this time and you just made my day too lol :angel:
Sally in all the 13 months that I breastfed Olivia I went out twice and I hardley drank as one Oli wouldnt take much out of a bottle or cup and two I couldnt cope with a baby if I had a hangover!

So just relax and see how it goes :hug:
I just answered this in another thread so gonna be lazy and copy and paste it!................

I've been out and got drunk a few times now as had a few occasions including my hen night to go out for and the advice I found and followed as purple14 said is to wait til you FEEL sober before feeding again, so for me this was usually by the next day around lunchtime when I felt normal again and I expressed enough in advance to last longer than needed just incase. And with regards to pumping and dumping while drunk- it is not neccesary in terms of the milk being 'dirty' as the milk is fine as long as you are-it is only in your milk as long as its in your blood so when you are sober it is gone, but you will need to do it as you will be so uncomfertable by the next day. My aim is to usually do it when I get in before sleep to releive it a bit but unfortionately I usually end up forgetting and waking up with the hangover from hell acompanied by boobs like bowling balls and my top soaked where I have leaked milk, its pretty!

Good luck with your night out and have fun! xx

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