Easily scared.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2008
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I don't think i'm usually such a wimp but today DH and i were out walking our two dogs. We went through a farm and a massive german shepherd came running at us and went for the dog whose lead i was holding. They had a bit of a fight as my dog was terrified and went into protective mode. I pulled my dog away from the big scary dog but DH was great and gave the big dog a whack and kept it away from me and our dogs until the owner could get hold of it. No damage done to either of us or our dogs and the owner was very apologetic but even so, as soon as we walked away i burst into tears and couldn't stop shaking for ages. I just feel like my emotions are running so high at the moment that i don't cope with things as well as usual. I think its also the extra worry of anything bad happening to me and the bump that made me panick. Still feel a bit fragile now :(
It's instinct honey.. we all do it. Have a nice cuppa and try to calm down. You'll laugh about this one day.. it'll probably seem so silly but I understand how you feel right now.. it would certainly unnerve me! I'm afraid of dogs.. I'd have probably have the baby right there and then if it happened to me :lol:

Hope you feel better soon hun.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Totally understandable reaction :hug: even if I wasn't pregnant in a situation like that would scar me and I love dogs! :hug:
Im a lot more scared of things now too, I think its just me feeling protective of bubba in there and Im sure its perfectly normal. I went to Sainsburys tonight and 2 men were fighting outside, people were still going in and out and normally I would have shoved through too but I kept well away until it was all sorted. I was scared someone would push me or hit my bump and I figure its better to be safe than sorry.
Hi matb -
I'm scared of dogs anyway, so I'd be like that even if I wasn't preggers. But I do find that things that never made me nervous now do...like riding a bus on a bumpy road or simply being a passenger in a car. I found when I was carrying Naomi I became a very nervous passenger - and it never really left me.

I had a near miss on the road the other day, almost hit a transit van, missed him by about 6 inches. I had to stop at the next filling station I came to and get out and have a cup of tea with three sugars in it before I felt right. It's scary when you think of the bump and what baby is feeling isn't it?



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