Early scan tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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I have to have an early scan tomorrow at 11:15 am. At the epu. I went into hospital on tuesday night about 11 pm. Had some pretty heavy bleeding that didnt last that long but my back was in agony, aswel as my legs swollen up an were really sore, They took blood (arms bruised to hell) got me to do a wee sample, an said i had yet another water infection so now im on cefadine 3 times a day, (last time it was 4, no wonder i got thrush the doc said) also had to have another anti d jab on my bottom =[ For rhesus negative blood thingy. Aprently they only last 6 weeks,
So basicly they didnt do anything to reasure me that things there fine, they insisted on saying in but i didnt i was too confused.
We got home about 3:30 Am. But since then i've felt LO bubbles again.
So im kind of feeling more positive about it atm.
sorry for long essay.
awww im sure when you have your scan, you will see what is making the bubbles you're feeling!
good luck let us know asap :hug:

What a pain for you. At least your scan tomorrow will reassure you. I'm sure everything will be fine, but good luck anyway hun :hug:
I'm sure everything is just fine. Let us know how you get on tomorrow.

Hope the aniti d jab didn't hurt too much. xx
Good luck today hunny.

Let us know how things are.
Wishing you all the best for today's scan. I hope things become easier for you soon.
Well just got in (finaly) had my scan, went well, the lady couldnt find anything that caused the bleed but if there's a problem it'l be spotted at 20 week scan, Got a pic too, but its not that clear, my bladder wasnt full even though i drank 3 pints of water :shock: wich the lady moaned at me for =[ she said i was 15 week, but i still say im 16, according to LMP.
It's put my mind at rest now, she knew the sex but wouldnt tell me :( she said it wudnt be such a surprise at my next scan, damn woman! lol
So now i have obstretric notes that i have so im not sure what i do with them, havnt seen my midwife yet :? she said to ring my gp an get an appointment with sue evans, so i rung an he didnt know who she was so now im uber confuzzled
so everythings fine? :cheer:
at least you'll find out next time! :hug:
Congrats on your scan :cheer: glad everything is ok , silly woman not telling you the sex, she could at least have lied and said she didnt know. I think everyone gets their notes to keep after a while.

How weird telling you to go see sue - who the f is Sue, just see your normal midwife - woman was obviously confused.
thats the thing, i havnt seen my normal midwife yet :rotfl: making me have the giggles this! bloody nhs

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