early ovulation???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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i always ovulate on day 12 of my cycle (or at least thats when i get the changes in discharge plus i get pain on one side which lasts for anything from half an hour to 4 hours so i assume from the last 3 months of keeping an eye on things thats wot is happening) but ive woken up today with the same but its only day 10 is it possible that i could be ovulating early this month??? as im not charting or anything like that these symptoms are all i have to go by.
p.s. im bd every day just in case :wink:
Hi rach

I thought i ovualted on the 10th day but just last month it was more like 13th - I'm the same as you I tend to go by changes in discharge and the pain in one side. So maybe you are ovulating early this month. Is your cycle consistent? I was every 28 days but the last few have been more like 29 days. So i'm sure we BD in the most fertile period we are BDing every other day from day 5 to day 15. That way there should be enough fishies ready for when my egg pops up.

god luck
hi yeah my cycle seems to have been every 26 days on the dot since i stopped pill which was bout 6 months ago didnt want to try straight away wanted pill out of system first.
but has been regular as clockwork every month.
if i am ovulating early does this mean af will be due earlier this month?
thanks for the reply hayley appologies if i sound a bit dull ttc is still very new to me xxxx

good luck to u 2 hun xxx
Hi rach

I don't know about your Af being due any earlier because you ovualted ealier. Not much clued up on the trying thing myself.... When I noticed I was ovualting around the 10th to 11th day - my AF was every 27th to 28th day. But then I noticed I was ovulationg a little later and yes my Af started being a little later. Only by a day or 2. So may be....... I read last nite if our egg isn't fertilized (i that three right word?) when it breaks down and becomes our AF - this takes 14 days! So if your ovulating on the 10th day, maybe your Af will come (hopefully not!) on 24th or 25th day. I suppose if it hasn't come by 26th day do a test. Can't do any harm. Good luck.

I was charting for a year after stopping the pill and I noticed that my period didn't settled down to a 28 day rhythm until I had been off it for eight months. It also seemed to take about eight months before I had a long enough luteal phase (high temps for ten days or more).

So things can take longer than you think when stopping the pill.

Just thought I would mention it
:( oh dear not looking good for a bfp yet then oh well will keep trying
thanks hayley and sarah xxxx
hmmm no cm today at all its all gone does that mean i did ovulate yesterday??
im sure it normally lasts longer than this
appologies to anyone who thinks this might be too much info :oops:
after I've ovulated and noticed the egg white stretchy clear mucus (sorry for such detail) i tend to feel a little dryer. I think thats normal.
ok well dont know wot was happening the other day but think i might have been wrong got ovulation pains today all day like mild period pain and cm is back big time hmmmm think my body still going bit nuts since been off pill hope it doesnt take long to settle down dont know where i am now not sure if ovulated day 10 or today which would be day 12 so much for ttc this month lol would be a miracle as dont even know wot my bodys doing grrrr
ok girlies sorry to keep on but tis middle of the night and im awake and have really bad af pains really low in my belly, im really confused now for last 3 months have known when ovulating from one sided pain and cm etc but this month im all out of sorts
day 10 ovulation pains
day 12 ovulation pains
and now day 14 af pains really feel like im going to have af but not due for another 12 days my body really confusing me this month
:? :? :?

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