Early morning wake-ups


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2015
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Does anybody else find themselves waking up early (yesterday it was 4.15am) and then not being able to get back to sleep? I remember this happening when I was pregnant with my youngest and I ended up knackered and miserable. (Eventually diagnosed with pre-natal depression). Any tips anyone? I just want to be able to sleep! At the weekend my husband watches the kids and I end up having a nap in the afternoon but that isn't an option during the week! I am starting to stress that I am going to end up in the same state mentally with this pregnancy than the last one...:sad:
Not quite as early as that, but I do wake up a lot earlier nowadays! I generally go to bed quite late, between 1am-3am depending on whether my partner is on late or early shift weeks. Because I don't start work until 1pm, I usually have the luxury of staying in bed til 10am at the earliest. Since getting pregnant I find myself repeatedly waking up between 6:30am and 9am, until I get so frustrated I just get up and get on with my day!

If you are worried about getting PND again, I would highly recommend talking to your midwife and asking to see the mental health team. They wouldn't judge you, in fact they would probably be glad you were going to them willingly at a stage they can help the most!
Thanks! I'm glad it's not just me. I definitely intend to tell midwives etc, but I haven't even had my booking in appointment yet! I am off to the GP tomorrow. I am just sooooooo tired all the time.
I have to get up 2-3 times during the night to pee and sometimes really struggle to get back to sleep! So I know how you feel. It's very frustrating isn't it- we're going to be sleep-deprived enough when baby arrives!! Xxxx
definitely not alone, this week I've been waking up twice every night and then spending a couple of hours trying to get back to sleep again. not sure if it's worry or something waking me but hopefully it'll pass soon !

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