Early miscarriage 4+2 (chemical) - how much bleeding?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2018
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Hello, I'm hoping some of you ladies may be able to help me as I'm not sure as this hasn't happened to me before. Got a bfp 12dpo & 13dpo. Period was due 14dpo. I tested again on the morning of 16dpo and had barely a squinter. By the afternoon I found bright red blood when I wiped in the toilet so assumed I am miscarrying (this was Friday). I spoke to an epau who said not to worry about a little bleeding and to test again in two weeks - if positive they could scan me. If bleeding got worse then to follow up with my gp.

So the bleeding has continued this weekend along with af type cramping. I'm using pads (not used them for 20 years) and the flow just seems really light compared to what I'd expect from my period. It's still bright red (would normally be darker and thicket by now) with tiny clots (I normally get massive clots in my periods that are dark red - sorry, TMI)

I guess I'm not asking if I'm miscarrying or not, I think that's what's happened as the cramps have been like my period and also my pregnancy symptoms of nausea and sore boobs have all but gone now. My question is why is the bleeding so light compared to af? I thought there would be clots lile normal but it's nothing like normal and it's confusing me a lot
I'm sorry you're going through this :( Chemical pregnancies often cause weird bleeding. The egg was fertilised this time, so you've had different amounts of hormones coursing through your body since ovulation than you would normally have. That will have had an impact on the kind of uterine lining your body has created.

Normally when you have a period it is triggered by a sharp and sudden drop in progesterone, but with a chemical pregnancy your hormone levels drop much more slowly. My guess would be you've got less clots because its all coming away more gradually. I could be totally wrong though!
I'm sorry you're going through this :( Chemical pregnancies often cause weird bleeding. The egg was fertilised this time, so you've had different amounts of hormones coursing through your body since ovulation than you would normally have. That will have had an impact on the kind of uterine lining your body has created.

Normally when you have a period it is triggered by a sharp and sudden drop in progesterone, but with a chemical pregnancy your hormone levels drop much more slowly. My guess would be you've got less clots because its all coming away more gradually. I could be totally wrong though!

That makes sense. I passed some grey material this afternoon with a bit of a clot so I think that was the embryo. It was about the size of my thumb nail. I know it sounds stupid but as the term is chemical, although I did get a positive after af was due, I didn't expect there to physically be something. Sounds silly but it really floored me when I wiped and that was there. I wasn't expecting thag at all. Bleeding has got heavier since and more clots so I guess it is working it's way through. Chemical really isn't the right word :cry:
So sorry hun. I’ve had 2 MCs, one at 5+2 and one at 4+4, surprisingly the 4+4 was a heavier loss. I hope it isn’t for you hun. But if it is, in here for you if you ever need to chat xx
So sorry hun. I’ve had 2 MCs, one at 5+2 and one at 4+4, surprisingly the 4+4 was a heavier loss. I hope it isn’t for you hun. But if it is, in here for you if you ever need to chat xx

Thank you. That's really kind. It just all feels so shit atm. And I know I'm not the first to go through it and I won't be the last and that others have had it way worse than me but I feel really lost after that today. I woke up feeling like I mentally was feeling a lot better, thinking about when the bleeding stops and to try again this month. We've only been properly trying to two cycles so surely I should be pleased that we even conceived, and I am. But Christ.

I'm due back at work next weds (been off with a bad back) and right now I just can't face it. If I go to someone miscarrying (which I've been to a few) Then it's going to hit me hard and I've not told work. I don't want them to know as I don't trust my TL as far as I could throw her and I don't want fake pity being sent my way. I dunno. I just feel a bit shit. I'm realistic in that feeling can't and won't last forever but I don't know how to even start to make myself feel better right now.

GP ringing me tomorrow so I can update him. I've still got pains in my left side so I hope that subsides soon and it's all gone. Didn't feel I could post on the ttc page as everyone is lovely but there s lots of 'lets be positive' and atm that's not me :(

How are you feeling?
Don’t ever put your experience down or compare yourself to others. It’s easy to do I know but when you’re feeling so low it doesn’t help. We all go through our own journey both physically and mentally. Whilst physically it’s easy to compare, mentally it’s not. We all build our own little dreams and hopes as soon as we find out we are pregnant so if we sadly lose our little one they are sadly taken away and nothing or no one can prepare you for that. Take time, grieve, cry, shout and let everything out. We told our close family (parents and siblings) when we had our first MC and then we told family and very close friends second MC. Both times I told my boss at work even though I really didn’t want to but I thought she should know in case my performance suffered. I wanted them to know also because they can’t penalise you for having time off associated with pregnancy and loss due to discrimination.

I understand how you feel so negative and can’t be around the positivity at the moment. I created my own pregnancy loss journal (http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/miscarriage-support/516471-2-miscarriages-2-cycles.html) and updated that instead of going on the TTC pages as I couldn’t face them. I also had a break from here for a while to help me mentally. It all helped and I’m happy to report I’m now feeling so much better and ready for my TTC journey to start again. I still have my ‘moments’ but they’re becoming less frequent. I doubt I’ll ever get over it fully but I’m hoping with time it will continue to get easier and I hope it will for you too xx
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I'm sorry you're going through this :( Chemical pregnancies often cause weird bleeding. The egg was fertilised this time, so you've had different amounts of hormones coursing through your body since ovulation than you would normally have. That will have had an impact on the kind of uterine lining your body has created.

Normally when you have a period it is triggered by a sharp and sudden drop in progesterone, but with a chemical pregnancy your hormone levels drop much more slowly. My guess would be you've got less clots because its all coming away more gradually. I could be totally wrong though!

That makes sense. I passed some grey material this afternoon with a bit of a clot so I think that was the embryo. It was about the size of my thumb nail. I know it sounds stupid but as the term is chemical, although I did get a positive after af was due, I didn't expect there to physically be something. Sounds silly but it really floored me when I wiped and that was there. I wasn't expecting thag at all. Bleeding has got heavier since and more clots so I guess it is working it's way through. Chemical really isn't the right word :cry:

Chemical isn't the right word, I agree with you. If you knew you were pregnant and your period didn't show when it should've, it's a miscarriage in my eyes. I'm so sorry, I hope that when you're ready to try again it'll be an easy journey to your rainbow baby x

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