Early delivery?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Hi guys,

So i was wondering if anyone has any advice or if somebody is having a simular experience.

I was sent for a growth scan at 31 weeks as I was measuring 34.5cm rather than 31. They said that baby is a little big and also my liquor volume is just borderlining maximum.

I then had a different midwife at my next appointment (34 weeks) who told me i was measuring 34cm... at the time i was not confident she had measured properly as this means i have shrunk by half a cm in 3 weeks :S

I had my usual midwife at my 36 week appointment today and i expressed my concerns that the last midwife did not measure me accurately so she said she would double check the measurements today to ensure it was correct. Turns out im now measuring 39 cm at 36 weeks so im still 3 weeks ahead! Baby is now 4/5ths engaged.

I had suspected that my dates had been wrong from the beginning so asked if this means i could be further along than expected and she explained that although unlikely this could possibly be the case.

Im going for another growth scan but does anybody know what will happen if baby is to big/ Liquor volume has gone over maximum?

sorry for the long explanation.


Hey hun, I know if they think baby is "too big" as it were they tend to either induce or section depending on just how big bubs is but I'm not sure on the fluid... Hope you get some answers xx
Yes Heppi has pretty much said what I was going to say, have to be honest - I have no idea what you mean by liquor volume?! Do you mean fluid?
yeah sorry... it's because ive been with the midwife today so all the pregnancy language is glued in my head. Yeah i mean fluid.

I thought that may be the case but then im unsure if they would induce early as im not sure whether they do that?

I probably should have asked for a better explanation from mw!

Thank You :)

I tend not to go off measurements any more as u have been lots of different measurements, I've always measured smaller but one day I was measured 36cm at 35wks and the next day I was 31-32cm..lol. Not really sure what they would do tho, I'm sure the other girls have covered it with maybe delivering baby early. I had high fluid levels to, but when I went for my last scan they had dropped back to a normal range (which I don't understand) hope everything goes well at your next scan ! X
i know its difficult... ive had quite a few people tell me that the measurement are never accurate.

I guess i'll just wait to see what they say at the scan.

Thanks again,


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