Another stupid fundal rant


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I know this is always a topic of conversation but im going to say it anyway.


My midwife knows ive been worried about my babys growth but they still measure me. I had my 31 week appointment today and im measuring 28cm same as i was 3 weeks ago which means i havent grown when i know i have. So whats the point in measuring me and then telling me its fine when it cant be if im not growing :( . It just makes me worry when i probaly have no reason to be worried. Im already paronoid about my lack of bump for someone who is 7 months pregnant.

Sorry rant over.
:hug: :hug:

I'm having the same problem too measuring 29 weeks at 31 weeks and it is worrying. Although they have picked up my babys small by a scan.

I know what you mean though it is annoying.
Honestly, I woud take what they say with regard to fundal height with a pinch of salt. One MW can measure you about 3cm bigger than another so I don't really even take notice now!
They always ask if they're above my pubic bone and I'm too embarrassed to give directions so I just agree :oops: :rotfl: I have no idea why I find that embarrassing given the amount of things I'm less embarrassed by :roll:
feel a bit better reading this after the appointment i just had regarding fundal height
Me n Hubby agree!

After 2 midwives measured us as almost off the scale, the scan showed us spot on, and a third midwife has us just between normal and big... I don't even bother to look at the chart any more! :shakehead:
I've never wrote about my fundal height problems, so I'll join in this time!

I went for my 34 week check and I measured 28 weeks! So straight to radiology for an emergency growth scan. Everything was fine and had lots of lovely fluid round baby.

I went for a 36 week check and I measured 31, same thing again (different doctor), emergency scan, everything fine.

I went for my 38 delivery discussion, I went to the loo just before I got called and when I came out I said to my mum, whats happened to my bump!?!? It was as if baby had gone hiding in my back, bump disappeared almost entirely! Went in, got measured.....28 weeks!!! Same thing again, mass panic sent straight to scan. Everthing fine!

A week later, I had Mhairi by elective c-section at 39+1. She was 6lb 9 oz and perfect in every way!

I didn't really mind though, got me lots of extra chances to see my baba!!!

I dont know why they bother with measuring you as its proven on countless times its inaccurate and causes unnecessary worry and panic. :wall: As much as we all try not to let it worry us it still does.

Gymbabeliz did you have a bad appointment? edit just seen your thread.
bloom- a bit! posted under 'midwife worried'.....she panicked cos of fundal height not changing in 3 weeks and tried to book me emergency growthscan but theyre all booked up til i move again (this weekend)

hopefully i'll get a scan at the next place im at to put my mind at rest, but bubs is wriggling like mad and surely thats the most imprtant thing
Just seen your post and replied in there.

I know ive grown in 3 weeks for a start the movements have changed i now have a bum under my rib (which hurts like hell) and im feeling a lot more movements just below my boobs so i know i have grown upwards if not outwards so i know that the fundal is not accurate.
I now measure 35cm at 30 weeks. I'd rather have a small bump!

But as you say, utter bollox! :x

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