Earliest signs...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Hey ladies, just a quickie please...think me and my OH have been bang on the money this month with trying (fx) and just wondered when was the earliest you could get symptoms? Dont worry, I'm not sitting here thinking I can feel anything or stuff like that cos I think I am still OV! I just wondered in general cos you hear of people being a couple of months before they realise they are and other people being a few weeks...I know its another one of those 'everyone is different' situations but just wondered if there was any kind of general rule?
generally the first signs seem to be the tiredness, sore breasts and nausea.... can be a few days before your af is due but i suppose as late as a few weeks after..... wth my daughter the first sign for me was the tiredness i think like at teatime i was falling to sleep on the sofa type thing, then the tender breasts but nevar got any sickness so was very lucky hope this helps a bit good luck xxx
Yeah thanks Tia Maria...Its just that this is the first month I think we have done it right so didn't want to be sitting here thinking every little twinge in could be pregnancy for the next 2 weeks you know?? Lol...xxx
well i think we are all guilty of that hun... as soon as we go through the ovulation bit its the terrible 2 week wait and i think we give ourselves the symptoms caus we think about them constantly!!!:lol:...its so strange how wanting a child can completely take over your life but good luck and fingers crossed for you quick arrival of the BFP xxxxx

oh by the way dont just look out for the things i said theres so many tell tail signs.. everyones so different xx
Thank you. Its a horrible waiting game isn't it?! What makes it worse is that last month my cycle was 35 days, never ever been that late before, 8 days, so I'm still going by my 27 day cycle for OV dates etc and it is this weekend...I'm having pretty bad cramps quite low down which I am assuming are OV cramps and quite bad EWCM so I have all my fingers and toes crossed for this month!! But seeing as this month will be the first month we've timed it right I know the next couple of weeks are going to be a nightmare for me!! Lol...Good luck to you hun! xxxx

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