Dummy Nightmare


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Savannah keeps waking in the night and when she notices that her dummy isnt in her mouth she cries for it until i give it to her and then she goes straight back off to sleep.

Sometimes she wakes every half an hour for it.

How do you stop this?!

She used to sleep right through dummy or no dummy.

Any advice welcome!

It may be a faze she's going through.. Maybe teething?? There's no way around it really unfortunately, she will be able to find it herself soon and resettle.. Hang in there!!
Rhea was the same then last night we were up to her bout 7 times ! Like JM says it may just b a faze and she will b able to find it herself soon fx she is back to normal soon xx

Hey hun, Charlie used to do this so I would put a few dummies in the cot and he eventually learnt to find them in the dark. Not sure if this would help? X
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ALWAYS have a spare dummy out of the cot where u know where it is!!! Nothing worse than being half asleep trying to find a bloody dummy in the dark lol!!!
Jack has just learnt how to put his own dummy in. She'll learn eventually hun x
I think u might try putting a few dummies in her cot.

Jm we do this now... I usually end up taking about five and putting them on the bedside table!

She can put it in by herself in the day... Not every time but she tries to. Maybe we will just have to persevere abd wait this one out. It could be worse!

Thanks for replying :),
Lol i know that feeling lol!! Had so many dummies for Jaycee it was unreal!!
Give her time she will get the hang of it :)
Not sure if she's a bit too young for it yet but we got my daughter a sleepytot which you attach dummies too. When she was very young we would attach four dummies but now just the one or as we are weaning her off the dummy, which she only has for sleeping, no dummies just the cuddly bunny. It's much easier for her to find the bunny in the night and she generally cuddles it anyway. So if she wakes after spitting dummy out do just had the bunny. Got mine from online shop but think boots now sells them too
I think I may have a look for one of these. I haven't heard about it before but it does sound like a good idea! Thanks :)

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