Dummy debate!


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2007
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starting to regret giving jack a dummy cos everytime he stirs he wasnt it back! i know when i take it away im gonna have a few sleepless nights but when is the best time to do it? he can go to sleep without it as long as hes in a good mood and i put him in his cot at excactly right time which doesnt always happen!! should i just stop using them now before he gets big enough to have a proper paddy? i have visions off a screaming child in the fruit and veg isle in tesco if i let it go on too long!!
my nephews always had dummys from birth till 3 years old with brandon he gave them to father xmas
and rob was nearly 4 he gave them to dora (dont ask) in return for a present
i think sometimes its easier to wait till they are older as then you can explain where they are going rather then just taking them off a baby who has no idea whats going on
manda x
defo best to get rid of it now. he will forget after a few hours.
Dior is nearly 2 and will not do any thing with out her dummy. all she shouts is "dum dum dum dum" its so stressfull. driving in the car and she has dropped her dummy :twisted:

Harley had one when he was about a week old. but that was it he has nothing now
It depends, i wouldnt take jakobs away now because he is a very sucky baby and its a real comfort to him, when he was born the first thing he did was suck on his hands he was even doing it on the scan! so i wouldnt, its a great comfort to him and i would feel mean..
i know what you mean about it being annoying when they stir but i am just holding out for the day that Ellis can put it back in himself and i think it will only be a month or so cos he is trying now.

I thought about taking it away but i love his dummy in the day, like if he is hungry and i wanna hold him out a bit the duimmy works... or if you are in public and he gets a bit roudy you can just put a dummy in.

I see some mummy with baby that dont have a dummy, freaking out cos they cant keep there kids quiet!

Its so hard isn't it? I want to take Leorah's dummy away because she can suck her fingers and thumb now but when she's wrapped up for winter in her snowsuit she can't get to her hands so has to have the dummy. She is also a very sucky baby!
I introduced one to Gabriella when she was about 5 or 6 weeks because she was a very sucky baby (still is). She actually started refusing it just before she reached 3 months, she now sucks on her hands and also likes fabrics (muslin, blankie, my sleeve :rotfl: )

A dummy, I believe is recommended for the first 3 months as it can help with babies sucking reflex. I have heard that they shouldn't be used past 6 months but who knows.

Good luck :hug:
thankfully Braydon never had one but someone i know hier lil boy gave it to santa at 2 yrs old
Tia comfort sucks too, She only has one at night or when i take her out in the car seat as a means of comfort. Quite often she will just spit it out and prefer her fingers or thumb in any case. She used to use me as a dummy in the first few weeks when i was breast feeding it was quite awkward. Because she doesnt have it very often i will probably do with her what i done with the boys, on bin day when the dustcart was outside i carried them out and they put it in the back of it and waved bye bye as it drove off, was well sweet. I always kept one hidden in the house though just incase but they never needed it. xx
Isabella hasnt had one for about 1 month now, she just didnt really like them, she isnt sucking her fingers or thumbs either. If she did have one I would of tried to wean her off it around 2.
Charlie has had his from 2 days old, he doesnt get it to go to bed with but gets it during the day if it is coming up to feed time and he is getting narky or if he is going in the car as he doesnt like going in the car seat, its definately a comfort thing for him and i wont take it away until he doesnt want it any longer.
kayzee said:
bin day when the dustcart was outside i carried them out and they put it in the back of it and waved bye bye as it drove off, was well sweet. I always kept one hidden in the house though just incase but they never needed it. xx

aww bless :)

i recon i will do the whole "big girls don't need dummies" thing. not that alice has hers much. just when im getting her feeds ready .
all 3 of mine have had a dummy and i stopped th older two at the same time when alex was 2 n a half n chris was 18 months so it didnt affect their talkin.

i'm just gearin myself up to take ryans away cos hes starting to talk now and i hate the gruntin he does when he has his dummy in
I haven't really considered taking Phoebes dummy away to be honest.

I am happy for her to have it at night for a while longer yet. She doesn't really want it in the day unless she's tired.

Maybe I'll try taking it away in the day in the summer. To depressing to do it in the winter!!!

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