Dummy advice needed!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
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Ive now come to the conclusion that the main reason for our disturbed nights is that stupid dummy!

Yes she wakes for feeds..I can now cope with this. BUT she will not settle without that dummy.

She'll have it in..sleep for say an hour..then the dummy falls out at some point and as she starts to wake she realises its gone and whinges to have it back. It happens nearly every hour. She not hungry, Ive made billions of bottles that have been wasted!

Most of time I get out of bed, put it in..then by the time Ive got back to bed its fallen out again! This can go on for ages.

Im wanting her to settle herself back to sleep without the dummy, so should I just take it from her now while shes still young, so she can learn to do this? Has anyone had success with this?

Do you think its the dummy or some other reason (I check nappy, temperature, hunger etc etc)
Maia was exactly the same so I used to shhhhhhh her back to sleep and eventually she learned to settle without it. She then self weaned from the dummy not long after at about 3 months old.

Sometimes I may have gotten up and rested my hand on her and shushed her with my hand on her and other times I could do it lying in bed,only trouble was it used to send me to sleep and then she'd start crying cause I'd stopped :lol:
I agree with what Charlie said, you will have to try shhh-ing her for a while to help her sleep without it!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks girls. :hug:
I am currently trying her without it. Ive put her in her cot for bedtime, and she chewing her hand instead...although she is ramping up to start whinging for dummy methinks :lol:
Will try the sshhing thing :shhh:
:wave: Hi hun, I was having very similar issues with my daughter, waking up every hour after I'd put her to bed for the damn dummy, and it also began affecting her booby feeding so we gave it up a few days ago now. Ive been keeping a bit of a blog to track our progress, and things we have tried instead, so if you wanna have a read of it, its here. Its going extremely well now after a testing couple of days at the start, so if you wanna do it, my best advice is just to go for it and dont give in! Good luck hun x :hug:
i deffinately agree, have a read of Lisa's thread, theres some really good usefull stuff in there.
Im going through the exact same problem and its driving me insane!! Im soooo tired... In the end i give up keep going to put it back in, bring Ollie in with me and he settles (im closer for when he spits the dummy out!)

I need sleep!!! :sleep:

Claire x

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