

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2008
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my baby is 5weeks old, and has never taken a dummy she just gags and spits it out iv tried the tt 0-6month ones and also today i brought the tt 0-3 month ones coz the teats r smaller. but she still wont take them
hv said not 2 introduce a dummy until she was a month old to establish bfing. now im thinking maybe i shudda introduced a dummy earlier. we have no probs bfing she loves her booby lol

any ideas on how 2 get her 2 take a dummy?
Ella would never take a dummy..ever. Instead she chews a muslin square for comfort. TBH if she won't take one now she probably won't ever.
I agree - sometimes I offer Baillie one if she's teething - she just spits it out and looks at me as if i'm stupid!

Kim x x x x
Is there any reason why she needs a dummy hun?
If not then i wouldnt push it, as you wont have the hassle of weaning her off it later.
Calleigh never took to a dummy, i wanted her to have one as she comfort sucked me.
the reason i wanted 2 introduce one was bcoz she comfort sucks off me she will act really hungry lol even tho she had a good feed half an hour ago, il put her on and then 2mins later she is asleep
If she won't take it then I personally wouldn't push it.
Some babies just don't like them. Don't try to make it happen. If she spits it out and doesn't want it then not a lot to be done. She may be a baby who sucks or chews on her hand, sucks her fingers or thumb, if she does any of those its also fine and may well be a short stage or last a bt longer.

FWIW our LO only got given a dummy because he had bad colic and would comfort suck. As soon as we reached the end of the colic we more or less ditched the dummy. He had it a little while longer but never longer than it took for him to go to sleep. Never had it as something to suck on at other times.

If your LO isn't a colicky baby and the breast feeding has settled down dont worry if not interested in a dummy. End of the day a dummy has its down sides if baby gets too used to it (past 5 months or so), things like every time they stir in the night you have to put the dummy back in. That sort of thing will drive you bonkers soon enough.

If she comfort sucks I'd suggest giving her your finger to suck on when you slip her off your nipple and see how that goes. If she really won't take a dummy might need to look at other distractions like a mobile or a muslin sqaure to hold in her hand.
If you do really want to perservere, you could try another brand, my LO has never taken a TT dummy, despite being bottle fed with TT bottles! We used the Avent ones and she has always been fine with them.
Magic Monkey said:
If you do really want to perservere, you could try another brand, my LO has never taken a TT dummy, despite being bottle fed with TT bottles! We used the Avent ones and she has always been fine with them.

I agree if she doesnt like one type try another, mine needed one for colic but the orthodontic ones she just opened her mouth and refused to shut it or suck!! However she would suck like mad on our finger so we tried a cherry shaped tommie tippee teat and she gets that, oever it has to be the next size up (6m+) I think she has a big mouth :lol: . She tends just to have a suck for a short while to comfort herself and then spit it out but it does a fab job at giving me a rest and comfoting her.

Once you have tried a few if she is still not taking to it then chances are she isnt going to so I would give up!
Why do you want her to have a dummy?

My daughter never had one as she never took to it, and I was rather glad.

My son did, and only about 3 weeks ago we took it away from him cold turkey and he was a right grumpy beggar for about 2 weeks afterwards.

If she doesn't want one I should say that's no bad thing.
thanks 4 ur replies

maybe i will leave it she doesnt seem interested
i only wanted 2 introduce it 4 comfort but theres no point in keep tryin it just makes her cry more
i just dont think she is a sucky baby lol

my son never needed one so i never even tried him with him
i wouldnt worry hun saves u stress in the futuer
Does your LO really need a dummy????

My LO has a dummy and has had one from about 2 months old but that was becuase I thought it looked 'cute' I now wish id never introduced one!!!!! He wakes up in the night not for a bottle or a cuddle but just because he wants his dummy!! And getting up at 2-3am just to put his dummy back in takes the mick!! Ive now taken it away and only give it at nap times and he also has a muslin cloth for comfort. I will slowly start taking it away more and more if I can, perhaps just giving him the dummy at bedtime at night. will see how it goes.

If your LO is not interested I would leave well alone. It may look cute and it may seem like the perfect comforter but believe me, ITS NOT!! When baby number 2 comes along he/she will not have a dummy under any circumstances.

I agree to try your finger but if that gets too much (my husband and I literally had bruised fingers) and you want to try again, try the traditional cherry shaped oned. I'm not certain but I think the brand I heard about was Nuk. I was in a room full of mothers that were raving about it. Some of them had babies that wouldn't take dummies but they tried those (a supply were being passed around) and they took to the right away. Also, one of them was an orthodontist and said the "orthodontic" ones made absolutely no difference unless they were used past three years of age.

I didn't want to give Jacob a dummy but after the bruised knuckles I felt I had no choice. He still uses his hands as well and seems to be weaning himself off it already, anyway. As long as you get rid of it early enough, you won't have to worry about your baby missing it.

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