Due Date!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Well I've made it to my due date and still no Lillianne!!! I've had signs on & off but yesterday & last night, nothing!!! I'm off out shopping today, hoping it gets me going!!
As much as we really want our little lady, I am so done with pregnancy!!
I have yet another consultant appointment Friday! They want to check fluid around Lilli, but clearly stated they will not be inducing me until I am 42 weeks unless something is wrong with either me or Lilli!
So the waiting game continues :( x x x

Happy due date Di :hug: Come on Lillianne!! Xx
Happy due date to us! Nothing happening this end either :(! Xxx
Happy due date ladies! i feel your pain no signs here yet either!
Happy due date! Hopefully she doesn't keep you waiting much longer x
Happy due date... Fingers crossed things get moving soon for you! Xx
Happy Due Date :)
Hopefully she doesn't wait around much longer for you xx
Happy due date! Hope lil one makes an appearance very soon for you!xx
Lillianne is a beautiful name. Hope it's not too long!
Happy due date, hope things start for you very soon x
Thanks ladies, well whilst out I was getting a fair few pains, but since getting home its all calmed down :( x x x
will you be trying anything this week? i ate alot of pineapple earlier prob will have some more later not sure what is safe to try i really don't want to be induced i need the baby out this week!
I too don't want to be induced, was induced over both my boys and it wasn't a good experience! (not that labour is, but you know what I mean!). I have already tried every old wives tale going apart from castor oil which I daren't try!! Nothing has worked for me :( How about you??
well i tried curry from an indian last week that just gave me really bad pains in my belly the next day! i can't walk very far these days as i have spd i don't have a bouncing ball so can't try that, i have eaten 1/2-3/4 pineapple today, not tried the sex thing yet as i'm huge and not really sure i could find a way but if nothing by tomorrow night i will have to dtd somehow lol not really sure what else to try i feel so much pressure down below when i walk about i keep thinking it can't be long but have felt like this for a while now!
Yeah I've got a lot of pressure and lower back ache accompanied by what I think are braxton hicks!! I tried the curry which just made me visit the loo :/ I have been eating between 1 & 2 pineapples a day! Tried sex, dancing on the wii, 40 minutes on the treadmill, aubergine, oregano, basil, RLT & EPO and none of it has worked :( I've given up on the old wives tales now!! Don't think there's anymore left to try!! Looks like I will be facing the consultant again Friday, its gonna be a very long day again no doubt! Fingers crossed you have your LO soon, this waiting game sucks!! X x x
wow you have tried everything! i have a stretch and sweep booked in for sunday if nothing has happened by then, i've been getting period pains and lower back pains for over a week now but i don't think i get braxton hicks i don't remember getting them with my son either he was 6 days late so i'm hoping this one will be the same i'm no good at this waiting game too sore and fed up of not being able to do anything anymore!
Yep, I googled them! The only one i have chose not to try is the castor oil!! I don't remember getting braxton hicks over the boys but then again that was 12 years ago! I know I am getting them as my stomach goes rock hard and its accompanied by period type cramps! Its worse if it happens when she is moving!! Fingers crossed then things will be the same and you beat the sweep! I don't really fancy having a sweep but would rather have one than be induced again I think. I wonder if the consultant will give me one on Friday?? Ooo I hope so!

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