Due date today-final predictions please...

I reckon it will be a girl - 8lb 2 and I reckon Friday. Hopefully wont be that long for you zoe but thats what I think. Sending you more Labour dust. Get eating the curries and pineapple.

Take Care

Hannah X
deffo a little girl on thursday morning weighing 7lb 5oz :D xx
I'm going for a boy, 7lbs 2oz and I think you'll have him on Thursday!
Nearly there Zoe!
L x
i dont know why but i htink a lil girl, weighing 7lb11oz and i think ull have her on friday (sorry)
Happy due date! :cheer: I think it will be a girl weighing 6lb 13oz on thursday.
A little girl and 6 lb 8oz. I think you'll be induced too - sorry Zoe!
I am so sure I will be induced, I have sort of set my heart on it now..at least then if s/he comes before then it will be a bonus??!!
Totally fed up today but think its coz its my due date, its like an anti climax when it arrives!!! :bored:

Oh well, in less than 2 weeks I should be cuddling my LO!!! :cheer:
mmmmmm :think:
I think you'll go into labour on thursday 11th, have baby on friday 12th, it will be a little mcCoy boy and he'll weigh 7lb 4oz. :hug:

oooh yes iv changed my mind have him friday please its my 20th :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: id love to share my birthday with your little one zoe
fingerscrossed said:
oooh yes iv changed my mind have him friday please its my 20th :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: id love to share my birthday with your little one zoe

:hug: Ahh bless you chicken..it would be lovely to share your birthday!! I shall see what I can do :wink:

**zoe sneaks off to have a quiet talk to bump...**
much appreciated ma dear although of course feel free to go before but ok zoebump no later than friday please thankyou! :hug: :hug: :hug:
i'm going to say wednesday as then you be two days late like your twinny!! :lol:

your bump is so neat so a boy and 7lbs exactly.

all the best xx :pray:
You got a teeny tiny bump! I'm saying GIRL born on FRIDAY (12th) in the early hours and around 7lb

I say girl and saturday , just seems like a nice day and about 7 pounds 6 ounces.
Induction, straightforward delivery with pain relief, little girl, 7lb 1oz! :D

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