due date??? do i stick to it


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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:doh: supposedly Im 33weeks going by my EDD however ever since the booking in scan my bambina has been consistantly 2 1/2 weeks ahead. the last appointment with my midwife she measured 4 weeks larger, so I went back yesterday and she is still 4 weeks big for dates, the midwife got me an appointment to see a consultant who checked my GTT results all a-okay, so he then got me a scan waters are normal and baby is for 37 weeks?! :shock:
when i asked what that means she just said you're 37 weeks, no advice nothing...
Just told me to see my community midwife in 2 weeks when ill be 35 weeks going by my EDD or 39 weeks by her mearsurements?!!!
has anyone else had "large for dates" baby and when did it arrive? on the original EDD? or earlier? did you get induced early? :think:

as you can tell I'm panicking a bit :rotfl:
id go by your EDD its much more accurate than the fundal height. if babs comes early then :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
My baby was large and measuring 37 weeks at 34 when I had a scan. Then at 37 weeks (EDD) he measured 39 weeks. Go figure.

TBH I always put myself 10 days ahead of my EDD by my own reckoning and based on my calculations my LO was 10 days late, potentially explaining his larger size. Based on my EDD from early pregnancy he was a few days late.

I'd not worry overly and stick to your EDD. Maybe you are having a larger baby but nothing to panic about. I delivered a healthy baby boy weighing 9lb 15ozs naturally at home :) Other ladies have pushed out larger still and been fine.

They take your EDD from your early dating scan as that is the most reliable time to get correct size for estimating. Once baby is past 30 weeks in the womb exact measurments are impossible and its all guesstimate sizes.
Were you 2½ weeks ahead of your edd at your dating scan? If so I'm surprised they didn't amend your due date then. I presume you have everything packed all ready to go so I would just be a little more aware that it could be anytime from now!
Can't really help here babes as I measured exactly and my dates were bang on, but I went 9 days over.

I say go with your EDD as the fundal height is not always accurate. Most babies will come within 2 weeks either side of your EDD.
I'd not worry as i had 5 different due dates throughout my pregnancy. I didn't get given one on my 1st scan. They told me i wouldn't get a due date til my 20 week scan. Yet they wrote down in my scan notes 25th March. My MW was furious and worked it out at 3rd April. Went for my 20week and they again said 25th March then 1st April. Had a growth scan and got 25th March, 1st, 2nd ,3rd, 4th and 25th April!!! In the end the consultant told me to expect her between 25th March and 4th April. I was so mad! My MW again went for 3rd April and she was 10 days late.
It's all guess work really.
I was measuring 3-4weeks ahead with Lucy and told i was having a big baby etc etc Had various growth scanns, GTT tests etc and she was a week early for my EDD, weighing 8lb 5oz and looking very overdue!
I'm sure that my dates were wrong and the reason i was told 'she's a whopper' (actual quote!) was because they were measuring against the figures for a baby 3-4 weeks younger!

One thing you can be sure of - they come when they're ready. In some countries 43 weeks is considered full term so don't worry too much!
according to my final EDD lil miss came at 39weeks (38+6), according to my scan dates she came at 40+4... but she came when she wanted to all the same... :)
I was large for my dates with both babies - both ended up over 2 weeks overdue (after being induced) and both were over 10lbs.
thanks for your replies everyone, suppose its what I thought anyway, they haven't a clue really.
I've sorted my hospital bag out anyway... just incase, I wasn't going to do this till I was 35/36 weeks (by my EDD) but if she's measuring 37 weeks I guessed it was about time I got my arse into gear lol. :roll:

:|I'm so impatient though, all this could just be this... then again it may be due to that... IT'S DOING MY HEAD IN.

hope she takes her time as we haven't got a completion date yet for the place we're in the middle of buying so everything is hectic!

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