Growth scans and baby size


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2008
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Hi everyone!

Went for a 4D scan on Saturday which was cool. They did a full growth scan too taking all the measurements, and they were all bigger than my dates. Haven't got the print out with me, it's at home but some were around 29wks and some up to 31wks making an average estimated due date of 14/2/08 that's 2 weeks earlier than my EDD of 1st March.

I've never been sure of my dates as i was on the pill, i measured big for my 20Wk scan too and at the dating scan the lady didn't seem to listen when i said i wasn't sure of my dates and said my EDD (which i just picked out of nowhere) looks about right and didn't change it.

Is there anything i need to think about or talk to my midwife about? Should they send me for a further growth scan nearer the time? Does a bigger measurements defo = bigger baby and mean higher possiblity of induction/CSection?
i wouldnt worry too much hun, Thomas messured big for his dates but he was only 6lb 12 born and short so i dont think they are perfectly acurate as different babies grow at differents speeds your might be a bit bigger now but then might not grow for ages before being born
:hug: :hug:
At my 4D scan i was at least 2 weeks ahead of my dates but i knew my exact dates so ignored them, now i measure dot on my dates :D
I don't think foetal measurments are as accurate past 13 weeks for determining EDD (which is why hospitals tend to go with your dating scan all the way through).

At my 28 week 4D scan, her femur length was measuring more than 3 weeks ahead and they estimated a birth weight of 9lb plus. I think she was just going through a bit of a growth spurt though as the midwife reckons a very average weight now and I'm measuring right for my dates as well as having, in my opinion, quite a neat little bump after seeming enormous between 26 and 33 ish weeks (and apart from anything short legs run in the family so I doubt she is going to arrive with lovely long legs! :wall: )

If you are concerned mention it to your midwife but I don't expect she will be overly concerned. :hug:
They won't change your due date as the most accurate reading is from your dating scan at 12 weeks. This late on a growth scan has no effect on your due date, just gives a rough idea of the size of your baby. And it can be out by 25% either way. Baby starts to run out of room so measurements are not as precise as when smaller early on.

I always measured a week ahead and had two growth scans at 34 and 36 weeks and baby was supposed to be large. But that was all. And he was born 9lb 15ozs. And more or less on time. Didn't alter my due date or anything.

I doubt your MW will worry as your 12 week scan dated you and they stick with that.

Don't think there is any need to worry about induction either. They would induce if overdue (or a medical problem) but (at least here anyways) they said they didn't like to induce otherwise as it causes undue stress on both Mum and baby and prefer baby to arrive naturally.

FWIW I found it easy to push my LO out. Apparently its easier to birth larger babies than smaller ones ;)
I have to disagree with it being easier with pushing small babies out, my smallest daughter was 7lb 14oz and i didnt actaully have to push her atall, the midwife caught her as she flew out, all the others were at least a few pushes :D
If your dates are wrong - you might just go a bit earlier yourself when your baby is ready. I dont think anyone will change you EDD at this stage - they all say the growth scans are too inaccurate
I measured big all the way from 24 weeks and was sent for a growth scan at 37 weeks and told my baby at that time was 7lb 1oz and that if I went full term to expect a 8 - 8.5lb baby and anything up to 9.5lbs - 10lbs if I went over by the two weeks

She was born at 39+4 (so almost exactly full term) and weighed 6lbs 10.5oz :think: :think:

Goodness knows how she managed to loose weight in the two weeks since the growth scan!! It doesn show how inaccurate it can all be though.

Funny thing was that I had a MW appointment on the day I started with latent labour and she had a feel of my tummy then and bet me £10 that I was having a boy and he would be over 8.5lbs............... I never did get that money! :lol:

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