Duds.... Isofix?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Hi there Duds
I remember reading that you were having the Isofix system fitted to your new car. What carseat are you thinking of buying to fit this system?

Here in SA, we only have one option and that is a Chicco Carseat and it's £250!! :shock: :shock:
I just can't justify spending that on a carseat! I had a wee looky at prices in Uk and it's looking much better. Have you researched any type in particular?

Hope you don't mind me asking - I know that you would have made a sensible choice! :wink:
Is anyone else considering the Isofix system? Any advice on compatible carseats appreciated! :D

Emilia xx
Hi Emilia

We plan to get an Isofix car seat next (one that will last from 20lbs to 4 years) but I haven't even started to look at the different models yet as Olivia is only 14.5lbs!

I think Sarah W Belly has an Isofix system - Sarah are you around?

Not much help sorry!

Lucy x
bumpety bump.... just noticed you're on the forum and this post was a bit far down!!
:wave: :wave: :wave:
Roger roger recieved! :D I was in the chatroom waiting for you ! he he

Well, I did some investigating at the weekend and it is pretty limited over here too but not a bad as SA by the sounds of it!
I was going to get a Britax one but the lady I was chatting to in the shop (who really seems to know her stuff) said the best & safest is Maxi cosi which is winning all the awards, there was also another one (sorry cant remember the name now!) which was good and the sides adjusted in and out which I thought was a brilliant idea! They were both about £250 also though & the britax is £150 ish...
She also said within the next couple of years all carseats will be isofix as they are so safe & will become standard- doesnt help us tho unless we are still cramming them into the current seat at 2years old!!

Even though Aimee really is getting to big for her current seat she put me off a bit by saying if you put them into a forward facing to soon & you have a crash then then they will jolt their necks and cause spinal injury where as the rear facing they wont and it is far safer until 9months.
Im going to wait a month and keep looking in the meantime... will let you know if I find any good ones or deals? Do you visit the uk at all if you need to buy one over here??
:cheer: :cheer: YAY ..... contact made!!!

Thanks for all that Duds. I have been trying to find out a bit more too and looked at some UK sites. I have been trying to justify a visit to the UK for a while now and I might just try and do it around Sept/Oct.

I can see the importance of Isofix - the fact that it's so much safer, but I also have to be realistic. It's just too expensive for us at the moment. I saw a really nice Maxi Cosi Seat for £120 - well padded, reclining and with a solid base. I will check it out first, but I'm going to look at the Chicco Isofix one today. I will let you know how I get on.

I can understand Isofix being a standard fit in a few years time. Safety in important, but when my first 2 were in their non-isofix seats, safety was also very important and we've always applied the corrects methods to ensure complete safety for our kids in the back of the car. I think Isofix will make it easier for folk that are a little willy nilly with the seats.

Anyway - Oscar is still in his rear-facing seat, but is getting too long now and he looks more at risk like that. I know that it's still a bit early for a front-facing seat - I just need to make a plan with my boys' long legs!! :D

Stay in touch - I'll let you know how I got on today!
Thanks again for all the good info - I think that lady knew her stuff!

Emilia xx
Checked out the Chicco Isofix today.... VERY cool!!! BUT, will not be going for it. The fabric is crap - will get dirty very quickly and also, the seat itself seemed flimsy. The base was seriously impressive - I'm going to have to think about it though. These seats are expensive and I will not have another bunny who would benefit from it.

So, Isofix itself is brilliant, but wouldn't recommend Chicco!

Emilia xx
Got my Isofix today! Maxi-cosi has just launched their new Priorifix here! I noticed www.Glasgowpramcentre.co.uk has them for £189. Not the original £250.

Just a bit of info for you Duds! :D
I got the navy one. :dance:

Emilia xx
I've been talking to DH about getting Isofix fitted in our car - problem is it's a R reg Astra so I doubt if it's going to be running for an awful lot longer. However I am just not impressed at how wiggly Ella's first car seat is in there :shakehead:
I understand what you mean Kina. Chat to the AA and ask them whether they think it is worth it and feasable. I have read that in the next year - 2, most new cars will have isofix as standard. Interesting - that should also bring the carseat prices down.

Get Ella's carseat check out too - perhaps it just needs better fitting and adjusting. You might not need all the expense of isofix at all.

Emilia xx :wave:
Thats brilliant Emilia, im waiting to see the pics of Oscar in his posh new seat now !.... :think:

The maxi cosy is supposed to be the best, thanks for the link.... im off to check it out..... !


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