

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2015
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How many times are you suppose to dtd each month. If I actually count it’s probably only 6 times mostly around fertile week. I try every other day but its tiring .
We dtd every other day in fertile period and may dtd both nights when i get a positive opk. Its usually around 5 times in fertile week. Its exhausting so having a few days off after is welcomed! Every other day should be fine. X
A lot of doctors say every other day, some say every day. No matter what it's probably a good idea to not get tired out. I hope to keep enjoying DTD even when TTC. Remember, healthy sperm can live in the woman's body for 3-5 days.

Is there anything you could do to spice up DTD and make it less tiring?

we have tried to but ttc over two years is taking a toll abit lol not sure if we are doing it enough to be honest. My doc says every other day from end of af to the next but that’s impossible xxx
Liz, hope you're doing ok. I think it's all well and good for someone to sit behind a desk and tell you that you should dtd every other day. Unfortunately, when you've been at this long term (as we both have), it really starts to take its toll. We couldn't possibly dtd every other day except during af. It's enough of a challenge just covering the fertile week. Our routine is similar to Melly's over the fertile week but by the time we're done neither of us are really in the mood. Do you track your cycles and ovulate regularly? My cycles are very predictable so I can be confident that we're covering the important days. As far as our relationship, we're trying to find ways to be intimate that don't necessarily lead to sex. We're both agreed that once we get to IVF, we're stopping all this as we would like our sex life to feel normal again. At the moment it just feels forced most of the time but for now, we're both prepared to do what's needed to get to that point. Hope that helps.
Hello moomingirl how are you? yes thank you this helps a lot. I just wasn’t sure if I need to do more. I read in some place people dtd up to four times every week seems like a challenge lol
I only dtd three times during this ttc cycle and it was much better! I ovulated earlier than expected so did not start dtd as early as i would have.....might have missed to boat but only have 2/3 days now to wait to find out! X
Hello moomingirl how are you? yes thank you this helps a lot. I just wasn’t sure if I need to do more. I read in some place people dtd up to four times every week seems like a challenge lol

I'm not too bad thanks. You may have read my post in another thread that I'm generally feeling pretty negative about our chances but I'm feeling as positive as I can about our next steps. I'm still in the process of getting our new referral sorted out which has been painful to say the least but hopefully once that's done we can start making progress again.

I think dtd lots of times every week is fine if you're one of those couples who would do that anyway. At the end of the day, I think we just have to do what we feel comfortable with. How are things with you?
We try and DTD every other day in the fertile window, but it has been every three days too. Less the rest of the month though, definitely not every day, that would be exhausting!
Same as above. Try to do it 5 times over the fertile week but I am finding that my ovulation day keeps changing so it’s not easy and somehow it hasn’t worked for us. For example last month we started too early on and by the time I ovulated it was too late. I started to think if it’s meant to be it would have happened ...
Second all of the above. I work shifts and we struggle to be in the mood at the same time sometimes. We were only managing probably 5 times over 2 weeks in middle of cycle if that but then last month have tried to ramp it up a bit to improve our chances as now onto cycle 6. So we managed last month and trying to do the same this month to DTD every other day from end of AF for 2 weeks. Last month we managed it pretty much but had a couple of sessions where hubby couldn't quite get there so guess they didn't count. We were once a weekers before ttc so it is tough going.....i love it cos I have the higher sex drive but I don't like to pile the pressure on hubby too much. It's meant to be fun after all. I find alternating between a quickie usually doggy lol and then having full on sessions makes it more achievable. No one can manage a full session every other day and if it becomes too much just about finishing I think quickie become too pressurized so keep the balance there! That's my theory anyway x
Second all of the above. I work shifts and we struggle to be in the mood at the same time sometimes. We were only managing probably 5 times over 2 weeks in middle of cycle if that but then last month have tried to ramp it up a bit to improve our chances as now onto cycle 6. So we managed last month and trying to do the same this month to DTD every other day from end of AF for 2 weeks. Last month we managed it pretty much but had a couple of sessions where hubby couldn't quite get there so guess they didn't count. We were once a weekers before ttc so it is tough going.....i love it cos I have the higher sex drive but I don't like to pile the pressure on hubby too much. It's meant to be fun after all. I find alternating between a quickie usually doggy lol and then having full on sessions makes it more achievable. No one can manage a full session every other day and if it becomes too much just about finishing I think quickie become too pressurized so keep the balance there! That's my theory anyway x

Can you ask him to tell my oh what a quickie is please? I think the quickest he's ever managed was about 25 minutes and it's normally a lot longer, lol.
Liz85, I always hoped to dtd every 2-3 days from about cd7 to cd 17. Only managed to dtd once each month in the fertile window (other times outside fertile window) and in 4 of the 6 cycles, we conceived. Finally in October, when I really thought there was no hope as just again dtd the once, the day before a pos opk and two days before ov...we have conceived and this one has been sticky.

Stress can really be the enemy so I wouldn't go overboard if it's going to cause any stress on you both. At the same time, I fully understand the need to be doing everything you can to be successful. Just go easy on yourselves and I pray you'll have your bfp soon. Xxx
Important to DTD outside of the fertile window as well, as some O 2 times in a cycle and some have shorter/longer cycles then predicted. My last cycle only lasted max 20 days so I view every day without AF as a fertile day.

I'm not trying though, I just do it when it feels right hehe.

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Second all of the above. I work shifts and we struggle to be in the mood at the same time sometimes. We were only managing probably 5 times over 2 weeks in middle of cycle if that but then last month have tried to ramp it up a bit to improve our chances as now onto cycle 6. So we managed last month and trying to do the same this month to DTD every other day from end of AF for 2 weeks. Last month we managed it pretty much but had a couple of sessions where hubby couldn't quite get there so guess they didn't count. We were once a weekers before ttc so it is tough going.....i love it cos I have the higher sex drive but I don't like to pile the pressure on hubby too much. It's meant to be fun after all. I find alternating between a quickie usually doggy lol and then having full on sessions makes it more achievable. No one can manage a full session every other day and if it becomes too much just about finishing I think quickie become too pressurized so keep the balance there! That's my theory anyway x

Can you ask him to tell my oh what a quickie is please? I think the quickest he's ever managed was about 25 minutes and it's normally a lot longer, lol.

Haha GG sounds like you don't need my help lol. Tbh mine isn't great with them I think he thinks he needs to keep going for a while and sometimes I'm just like no really let it go I'm quite happy lol. I find a good quickie quite satisfying. And if I'm honest this ttc does get exhausting so sometimes you just need to get a couple in the bag. Sounds awful doesn't it but that the reality. Can't all be lingerie and dates with Mr.Grey....too time consuming lmfao
Second all of the above. I work shifts and we struggle to be in the mood at the same time sometimes. We were only managing probably 5 times over 2 weeks in middle of cycle if that but then last month have tried to ramp it up a bit to improve our chances as now onto cycle 6. So we managed last month and trying to do the same this month to DTD every other day from end of AF for 2 weeks. Last month we managed it pretty much but had a couple of sessions where hubby couldn't quite get there so guess they didn't count. We were once a weekers before ttc so it is tough going.....i love it cos I have the higher sex drive but I don't like to pile the pressure on hubby too much. It's meant to be fun after all. I find alternating between a quickie usually doggy lol and then having full on sessions makes it more achievable. No one can manage a full session every other day and if it becomes too much just about finishing I think quickie become too pressurized so keep the balance there! That's my theory anyway x

Can you ask him to tell my oh what a quickie is please? I think the quickest he's ever managed was about 25 minutes and it's normally a lot longer, lol.

Haha GG sounds like you don't need my help lol. Tbh mine isn't great with them I think he thinks he needs to keep going for a while and sometimes I'm just like no really let it go I'm quite happy lol. I find a good quickie quite satisfying. And if I'm honest this ttc does get exhausting so sometimes you just need to get a couple in the bag. Sounds awful doesn't it but that the reality. Can't all be lingerie and dates with Mr.Grey....too time consuming lmfao

"Lingerie and dates with Mr. Grey" lol...brilliant!

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