DTD- how often?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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As the title says how often do you DTD whilst TTC? Is there such thing as too often, can you dilute the sperm by having it too much?
Sorry if it seems a daft question, we are new to TTC.
I think the consensus is yes you can dtd too much!

Are you using OPK's to know when you are due to ovulate?

Last cycle OH and dtd 7 days in a row and it was just too much (we were both bored by day 6/7 :shock:)

This cycle we dtd just 3 days in a row once I got my +OPK - and we'll see??

You may want to look into SMEP?

Thank you for your response, we haven't started using OPK's yet just trying to see what happens without any pressure on it. If we struggle after a few months then we may start.
Best of luck to you!
when i first came off the pill at end of April last year we didn't try anymore than normal and it was obviously not the right time

I had a trigger finger op on 22nd December and was off work for three weeks and apart from housework and looking after the guinea pigs there was one thing we filled our time with (poor hubby went to work for a rest haha)

We didn't use OPK's or take my temperature etc was really pot luck and I feel a bit of a fraud as you girls on here monitor things and take note of when is the best time etc

Good luck Ellisbump xx

I am using the CBFM and we DTD every other night in the run up to ovulation then everyday at peak.

HTH and best of luck xxx
Ive never been sure on the exact day of ovulation but knew it was around 14 days in so from day 12-16 we dtd everyday and that worked for us

all info on this is conflicting...new studies show that the more sex the better and does not reduce sperm quality but others will say every other day. The sperm needs about 24 hours to rejuvinate according to what I have read so it seems that every day over fertile time is ok so long as its 24 hours apart. Lots of people rave about SMEP tho.
Both times I have been pregnant has been from lots and lots of BD'ing so I am more inclined to believe every day (over fertile period) is better xx
Loads of luck and babydust xx
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I think it can depend on your OH's sperm count too. Obviously if it's low, then doing it every day would be too much. I think most people say every other day is probably fine for most people, even if sperm count is a bit low.... Good luck! xxx
I've used opk's for 2 cycles now, 1st cycle dtd alot! 2nd cycle dtd every other day leading up to ovulation, I'm still waiting for my bfp! Everyone is different & it does depend on you'd partners sperm count, if it's low then alot of sex won't help.

Hey & welcome !!

I was gonna try without opks but tbh I crumbled in at first cycle knowing when you OV is a big help when trying to conseive but if you want the pressure off you should make a list and everymonth u dont concieve u could introduce eg vits, consieve+ ect.. I chose to BD every other day then everynight when I got my +opk :) xxxx

Good luck!
Hey & welcome !!

I was gonna try without opks but tbh I crumbled in at first cycle knowing when you OV is a big help when trying to conseive but if you want the pressure off you should make a list and everymonth u dont concieve u could introduce eg vits, consieve+ ect.. I chose to BD every other day then everynight when I got my +opk :) xxxx

Good luck!

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