driving test?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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im 22 and im only taking my driving test in a few weeks, this is because when i was at uni i didnt bother taking lessons as i didnt need a car then i had my son so didnt do it, no with number 2 on way i decided its now or never, so im taking my test in 3 weeks and im just wondering if things like emergency stops etc willl harm baby? has anyone else taken their test when pregnant?

i know this may seem a silly question but i dont know if it can be harmful xxx
I haven't taken my test while pregnant but Im driving at the moment and will carry on until I get too tired. As long as you put the seatbelt under your bump then I can't see a problem. :)

I think its great you're doing your test! Itll give you so much independance for you and your children :D I really hope everything goes well in 3 weeks. Just try and stay calm and it'll all be fine! :D x
Sorry no advice as i dont drive but good luck for your test!!
Hey, good luck with your test! I have no experience of learning or taking a test when pregnant but i would think perhaps they would be a bit more forgiving towards a pregnant lady? I mean not give the emergency stop? Emergency stop is only used one in 3 driving tests anyways i think..i was never asked on both my tests. (Passed 2nd time thank god)

You'll have to let us know how you get on!
Good luck with your test hun! If it was any harm they wouldnt let you take the test xx
Pregnant women have to drive around on a daily basis and may have to undertake and emergency stop so I wouldn't of thought it would be harmful in anyway. I didn't take my test when I was pregnant but I used to have to drive long distances everyday for work pretty much to the whole way through pregnancy. You may not get asked to perform one anyways, I passed 4th time (the shame!) around and only ever got asked on the test that i passed!

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