Driving Test Tomorrow- *****I PASSED!*****


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Well I passed!

I had the same examiner as last time but must have driven a lot better. I can't belive it, I am so happy but also confident that I could drive with Rudy in the car with no problems.

Thanks for all the good luck! :hug:

Woohoo :cheer:



I have a driving test tomorrow, this will be my thrid one and I am already really, really nervous. I was fine for my first test, a bit more nervous for my second and terribly nervous this time :? . The funny thing is I am so much better at driving now and am 99.9% sure that I am well able to drive on my own. The thing is I know nerves will lead me to do big cock ups and stop me from concentrating properly like I can when i have lessons.

Does anyone have some good hints and tips to try and help me keep calm for this test? :pray: . Any adivce would be hugely appreciated.

I got all my cock ups out the way in my hour lesson. I was absolutely terrible, like i'd forgotten to drive!
Try and chat to the examiner. I had a very friendly one who was talkative so it made me kind of forget to be nervous.
Eat a banananananana!! I dont think it will help with nerves. But they are good fostimulating the brain!!

I remember my mum running out the door behind me waving this banana about as I was going to do my test! I passed ;) So its worth a go!
get a good sleep beforehand,dont drink too much caffeine that youre really jittery,dont waffle on to the examiner so much you cant hear what theyre saying MOST IMPORTANTLY DONT STRESS!at the end of the day hun its a test if you dont pass there will be another opportunity.lots of good luck coming your way :hug: :hug: :hug:
No tips cos Iv still to do mine but lots of luck!
Will keep everything crossed for you! :D
I've never taken a driving test despite having over 40 hours of lessons! Just wanted to wish you luck :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

I walked in and saw that I had the one examiner that I had been told about - he was silent, unfriendly and known to fail people. And when I saw him I decided that I was doomed so I stopped worrying so much.

I passed :D

So my tip is not to worry. Think more along the lines of 'so what if I fail' lol.


Good luck hun xxx
I've failed 3 driving tests due to nerves and it's horrible!
I know I can drive, I do all of the family driving with DH sat beside me and I don't have any problems at all but put me next to an examiner and I fall apart! My last test I got so worked up I burst into tears and took the wrong turn on a roundabout whilst asking him over and over to take me back to the test center! (I think he thought I was mad!!) :oops: That was back in October and I feel ready for another now, I'm trying to tell myself it won't matter if I fail and hope that gets me through! :think:
I've had people advise a large vodka :shock: A tranquilser :shock: and Hypnotherapy (which I've considered) I'm gonna give it one last try and hope it goes well, I've changed driving instructors to see if that helps too.

Good luck, It's only a small part of the day and think ahead to being back at home as apposed to spending you time fixated on the test itself so you don't work yourself up too much :hug:

Like some others have said eat a banana it helped me and try to stay calm, I failed my first because of nerves and 2nd time I passed, because I knew how nervous I was the first time and didn't want the same result so I focused on doing it rather than worrying about it if that makes sense. Good luck hun!!!
No tips as I have mine in 2 weeks but just wanted to say good luck! I'm sure you'll be brilliant :hug: :hug:
Let the instructor know you are very nervous at the start, I did. I was 3rd time lucky. Good Luck :D
No tips sorry I was a nervous wreck first time round but just wanted to wish you luck, hope you have good news for us tomorrow :pray:
Emma58 said:
Bach Rescue Remedy it's brill

ditto! i used this and passed my test first time,that was 3 years ago yesterday!!

its a chill out in a bottle!! :D
Thanks for the tips everyone.

The weather is pretty rubbish so I'm going to have to be extra cautious!

I've got rescue remedy and bananas. Any idea how long before the test I take these?
I took the Rescue Remedy a few times in the morning before my test.

Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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