Drinking before u new u were pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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I found out I was pregnant wen I was about 4 1/2 weeks. The week before that I went out with my OH and got very drunk and did weed also for 2 nights. I also used to have a glass of wine each night infront ofthe telly. They always say the baby is developing the most in the early stages so in worried iv caused damage. I was also smoking 15-20 fags a day, have cut down to 2 now and tomorrow's quit day. I no it was daft hut I didn't think I would get preg this quit so thought there was no chance.
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As I ttced for 15 months before I got my bfp, I decided to live as normal as possible and that I was not pregnant untill this was proven. I had a couple of beers, but I'm not worried. I don't Think you should be either! After all, you're doing the best you can now!!

omg lilly! i dont think it will affect bubs but i cant believe how silly u were when u were ttc! seriously tho, kids learn from u and u dont want ur kids growing up thiking thats ok!! xx
I was 4 weeks pg when I got married and didn't know so was pissed as a fart, then got on honeymoon and drank like a fish the first two days until I realised af should have been here by then so tested! Didn't drink after that and lo is perfectly healthy so I'm sure everything will be fine :)
I'm sure the placenta doesn't start 'feeding' the baby for a few weeks anyway. But i drank v heavily the wknd b4 I found out I was pg with my 4yr old-and I had really bad migraine so had taken migralieve (not to b taken if pg) and he's fine xx
I got piddled twice in the 5 days before I found out and drunk everyday - I was on holiday so I was drinking! Stopped as soon as I found out. I was 6 weeks gone when I found out. I'm sure bubs will be fine, and as esperanza says, ur din the best u can now xx
i was up the pub the snday before i fond out and i got totally trollied that sunday afternoon baby is fine i also had to take ibuprofen for a migrain as well so dont panic xxx
Before i found out i was pregnant, i was having a couple of glasses of vodka and orange on the weekends and now i dont touch acholol and i was also smoking about 25 fags a day and i have not had one since last night and i didnt enjoy it so i'm not going to touch them since, but i will be hard as OH smokes.
We found out i was pregnant at 6 weeks, and i'd been drinking for a couple of weeks as it was my birthday, Christmas and New Year! As far as they can tell though, my baby is perfect, no development problems etc. I'm with Emmamb, i think the placenta doesn't start feeding the baby for a few weeks
Don't worry yourself hun. Think of the millions of women that don't know they are pregnant and do far worse than you whilst in the early stages and still go on to have perfectly healthy babies.

Everything will be fine and it sounds like you are doing the best for your baby now, which is all that matters xxx :hugs:
Thankyou guys.
Piglet 10, my kids wernt with me when i went on a night out with my oh so didnt see me drunk, we all have a few drinks away from the kids. granted it was irrasponsable when i was ttc but we were only trying for 2 weeks max when we had gone out i didnt think i would be pregnant x
i think that babies are very resilient when they are developing and that as long as your not smoking 50 a day, getting thru a 10 bag a night and starting the day with hair of the dog it should be fine. obviously stopping will help once you know but when you dont know what can you do about it? everyone needs to relax some way. lol cant expect to be pg all the time

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