Dreams and wakefulness.. I get stuck in between.

:shock: OMG I have had these for years.
Mine sort of starts off with kind of distant playground noises (lots of kids shouting but really far away) or my head is just buzzing. I have my eyes open and all I can move is my head and arms everything else feels like a lead weight. I am totally aware that I am awake but cant do anything about it. Scares the life out of me. The last one was about 4 months ago. The noises start, I feel petrified while its happening. Alec has never known me to dream like this untill now. I was pulling at his hair and face so he could get me out of it cause I couldnt move myself ( no it wasnt cause I was the size of a house and 8 months PG lol), I remember staring at the bedroom door with the bathroom light on (for Josh) and eventually the only thing that moved me was Josh bursting through the door, me shouting F**K NOOOO and I shot bolt up right. Alec then decided to ask me if I was ok as I had been beating and scratching him. Told him I know I was but I just wanted some help.

I used to get these regular, but they have calmed down a hell of a lot thank god. If I get one whilst Alec is on nights once I can move I turn the light on for the rest of the night :lol: (chicken). Glad I am not the only one who goes through it.
that sounds very similar to what used 2 happen 2 me loads, i totally understand how scary it is and that u dont wanna sleep. i went 2 the docs about it apparently its when ur sleep deprived and ur body slips into REM (dream) sleep 2 quickly. (normally ur in lite sleep 4 about 15 mins, then deep sleep 4 about an hour then dream sleep.) unfortunately i was told there was nothing that could b done about it.

mine were very often someone or something sitting on my chest so i couldnt breathe, or id start spinning or flying face-first into something, and i could never move a muscle or scream. everything usually went faint and smokey too and thered be an unexplainable feeling of terror. its really horrible. luckily iv not had the problem for a few years now. its was at its worst at the height of my drug use (not saying ur a baghead or anything! :hug: ) just that back then i only slept like about 8 hours A WEEK never mind a day so its no wonder i was sleep deprived. maybe u need 2 get a good kip!

i rly feel 4 u xxx

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