

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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has anyone had a dream of what their baby looks like?

i had a dream a few nights ago that my baby was a bit chubby but had beatuiful dark skin and loadsa curly black hair lol but they say oppisites happen in dreams so watch her come out skinny, pale and bald lol awww!
Aww thats lovely but lets face it no matter what they look like we'll think their gorgeous. Although knowing my luck I'll mistake the placenta for my baby, hope they say he looks like his dad :D
I keep dreaming about having a huge baby boy and I don't mean 9lb or 10lb I mean a 1 year old size who is walking around :shock: Very strange!!!!
i keep dreaming she will weight between 7-8 lbs alot of dark hair chubby cheeks and beautiful blue eyes
i keep dreaming he will come out looking like sophie, and i cant wait to find out!!!!!!!

roll on the 12th sept :cheer:
OH keeps having a reoccurring dream that whilst we r in the hospital and iv had him that i keep telling him to pick the baby up but he doesnt dare, in the end i tell him to have a go at holding him so he picks the baby up and he starts wriggling (like a cat apparently) jumps out of his arms (yeah cant hold own head up but "jumps") and starts to crawl away through the hospital corridors, and OH has to run after him and dive on his legs and hold his ankles to stop him getting away! ... Yes ladies this man is to be the father of my child ... pray for me :pray:
Only had one dream so far. I dont remember what baby looked like though :cry: ...I just remember OH holding it, but it was really small as if it was premature :shock:

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