Dream feeds


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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does anyone do these successfully?? annabelle doesnt latch on she just sleeps and wont wake up unless i totaly wake her up nd then it isnt a dream feed is it?!!

she really doesnt eat unless shes hungry?!

i tried last night because shes sleeping from 7pm-12/1/2am so i thought if i dream feed her at 11 she may sleep till morning. but it was terrible she was fast asleepo bless her and i got her out and she just wanted to go back to sleep and didnt want to take the bottle then i squeezed it a little bit and she choked. felt SO GUILTY!

Any tips?? xxx
I used to do a dream feed at 11pm but she'd only take on oz, not sure if thats the norm for a dream feed. Cant really offer tips to be honest. Id always blow on her face to just make her aware something was happening. I dropped the feed last night though and she slept fine from half 8 till half 2, then she only had 2 oz at half 2 before she started to go sleep...Im hoping this could mean shes starting to drop the 2/3am feed.
Zach falls asleep around 8 - 9ish. I wake him up and change him, then feed him at about 10.30, he only normally has about 2 or 3 oz, but then sleeps til about 6, has a 5 - 6oz, then goes back to sleep until about 9.30. I do need to start a proper bedtime routine, as I just let him fall asleep downstairs at the moment.

If he is in a really deep sleep, there is nothing I can do, he won't drink anything!

Good luck xxx
When their not really awake and your just topping up with food to help them sleep longer during the night. Sometimes Ive heard it can backfire though and make them wake up more times. But basically the baby is asleep while their feeding. :)
When their not really awake and your just topping up with food to help them sleep longer during the night. Sometimes Ive heard it can backfire though and make them wake up more times. But basically the baby is asleep while their feeding. :)

What Melio said :thumbup;
wow that sounds complicated...ill come back to this once baby is born for advice!! lol xx
Its the least complicated feed of the day! Cause you dont wind them either. Just pick um up, try get them to suck the bottle for more than 1 minute...then shove um back in the cot :D easy peesy!
she must sleep really deep then because nothing wakes her lol. and i read not to change them?? i think if i changed her she would be too awake lol. argh god its tough aye!

thanks guys x
ive done this before but didnt help him sleep any longer. finn normally had a feed at 7pm then 10.30/11.00 and then wakes at 2.30 am. but last night i just left him 2 sleep from his 7pm feed and he just slept until his 2.30am so think i'm gonna do that again 2night. although in the night he had bloody 7oz when he normally only has 5oz
i read up about them and some babies just wont do them so i guess i have one of those lol
I tried with sarah as i had done it with my other three and she woke up 3 hours later when she normally sleeps 9 at night - i haven't done it since! Would rather keep her up til 8/9ish then i know she will sleep til 5-6ish and as she gets bigger the bedtime will get earlier.

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