Drama drama drama!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Seeing as naughty baby is not behaving this week, I'm currently STILL being monitored in hospital! I came in on Weds because of reduced movement, was put on a trace and it showed he was ok but there were a couple of dips in his heartbeat so they kept me overnight to get an early scan in on Thursday. Weds night they checked him again and still he had some dips. They went to monitor him again Thursday morning and I took one of my infamous funny turns and nearly passed out because my blood pressure dropped down to 70 over 40. Obviously this had an effect on little man and his heart rate dropped to 60. Luckily he recovered quicker than I did. And so now, I'm being closely monitored and put on a trace 3 times a day until the dips in his heart rate stop and he gets back to being consistent. He's been non-stop wriggling all day yesterday and this morning so things are looking good so far :). And the scan came back all fine but because of my funny turn I had to wait til late afternoon which was agonising! I only came in cause I hadn't felt him move all day, did NOT expect all this :(. Let's hope he doesn't decide to make mummy worry any more! Just one more day in hospital and I should be out by tomorrow :). Fingers crossed for me and bubs ladies! :D.
I really feel for you sarahlou, I could NOT have stayed in hospital more than one night, it was excrutiating. The worry is the worst part, at least at home you can distract yourself but there it's just a constant reminder. Glad you got some wriggles yesterday and hopefully you'll get the all clear. They might do what they're doing with me and just see you as an outpatient rather than keeping you in again, suggest it to them if they don't! Hope you feel better soon xx
Baby giving you plenty of wriggles is good sign :) FX for you that all goes well and they let you out soon :hugs:
Hope u get outta there soon hun. Glad bubs is givin u lots of wriggles, deffo a good sign! Xxx
Oh dear, we do have some naughty babies atm! hope you get home soon! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Hope you are home soon! Nothing worse than being stuck in hospital. :hugs:
Hope all is ok and that LO's heart rate levels out soon, do they know whats causing it to dip? Is it in response to your funny turn?

Really hope you feel better soon
Oh bless you. I know how you feel, I went to hospital one day for a check on my blood pressure as it was a little high, and didn;t come home for 8 days! Although I did get to come home with my little boy, so it wasn't all bad. Certainly wasn't fun being stuck in there though! Hope you're out soon x
Naughty LO!!
Hope you get home soon! x

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