Dr just rang me at home :(

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Bloody hell.

Last week when I went to the hospital they did a vaginal swab to test for Strep B. I had totally forgotten to ring them for the results :wall2:

I just picked up a message from my GP to say that the results were back and that I may need to take anti-biotics during my pregnancy and IV anti-biotics during labour.

Even though I am totally gutted - I am pleased that its been detected as at the start of my pregnancy it was all clear. This could have been the reason for my temperature going up during my labour with Rosie and why I ended up with a C-section :(

Am seeing my MW tomorrow and will chat to the GP too.

Im just worried about the baby getting an infection in utero - hopefully my MW will be sympathetic, am seeing the consultant next week too.
Even if it comes into contact with the baby during labour it is not dangerous unless it gets into their blood stream. You'll be fine chick xx
it is good that they have picked it up, was it a routine screen? I didn't think that they did screen routinely....
You know whats really wierd is that I was just reading Ina May's book in the bath and I read the section on strep b and the mention of raised temp in labour and frequent UTIs just immideately made me think of you, I made a mental note to email you and ask if they had checked it for you!

According to the book up to 25% of women carry the bacteria without knowing and it only rarely passes to the baby in labour. Its very uncommon for it to cause problems so dont worry about it, at least theyre offering antibiotics so you can eliminate the chance of you passing it onto the little one.
it is good that they have picked it up, was it a routine screen? I didn't think that they did screen routinely....

No it wasnt routine, when I was examined by the registrar last week she did a swab because she said some other things can mimick UTI symptoms and tightenings - I had a feeling she was going to test for Strep B. When I saw my GP at the very beginning of this pregnancy he asked me if I had a straightforward labour/delivery - when I told him I had an emergency section because of my temperature going up he immediately said about Strep B and did a vaginal swab, this came back as negative.

The registrar told me last week that my urine could have had a tiny drop of that watery discharge in it which would give a positive result for a UTI when I didnt really have one.

I hope to be more clear about the risks in pregnancy plus the risk to baby from antibiotics at birth - I am taking pro and pre biotic capsules, have been for the last two weeks - Im praying that this will offer bubs some protection from allergic reaction/gut flora being destroyed if I do have to have IV AB.

I dont want to be thinking about this! I want a nice straightforward pregnancy where all I think about is fluffy blankets and nipple cream :(
:hug: Glad youre getting to the bottom of the problems you have had now though. Must be really stressful, try and stay calm hun x
Im ok, going to just relax and eat something yummy - I will know more tomorrow. Its just a pain in the fanny.
Its good that its been picked up now so you can be treated :hug: xx
Aw x it's good they've managed to catch it now x x big hugs x x
Youe not having much luck are you honey - glad they have found it now though so heres hoping they can clear it up. My freind had strep b and it just meant she had to have antibiotics and stay in for a day after birth xxx
Try not to worry too much till you speak to mw tommorow. Easier said than done, I know! xxxx
I think its because Ive read about it before and it was at the back of my mind after I had Rosie - will try and not worry about it, its all under control and there are pregnant women with much bigger problems than me so I will try and consider myself lucky xxxx
Loving the positive attitude hun! :) xxx
ah im glad to hear they know all about it so your in safe hands now. your baby is a toughie in there too :)
Rosie's mummy I think you have a wonderful positive attitude to everything thats being thrown at you and wish I was the same, you make me stop feeling sorry for myself :blush:

I'm pleased they've caught it now and will give you all the help you need, i will keep my fingers crossed for a labour and delivery for you were all your worried about is blankets and nipple cream :)

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