do's and donts


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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everytime im pregnant the list seems to change of things to eat and dont eat and do and dont do.
I know the ones such as eggs should be well cooked and avoid shell fish also dont eat cream cheese.
No touching cat litter or dog mess and i was also told recently i shouldnt be helping with foaling but not sure if this is true.
Does anyone know of anymore do's and donts please as i dont want to take any risks.
Last time I was pregnant midwife said limit tuna to 2 tins a week, also try and limit caffine intake but i cant think how much to.

Things change all the time and often we dont see midwife will 8wks plus so its hrad to knw the new things to avoid.

I shall be watching this too to see if there are any more new ones x
hennaly said:
everytime im pregnant the list seems to change of things to eat and dont eat and do and dont do.
I know the ones such as eggs should be well cooked and avoid shell fish also dont eat cream cheese.
No touching cat litter or dog mess and i was also told recently i shouldnt be helping with foaling but not sure if this is true.
Does anyone know of anymore do's and donts please as i dont want to take any risks.

Cream cheese is fine, it's just unpasturised cheeses like brie you have to avoid. Philadelphia type cheese is fine.

The big one to remember as the weather gets nice again is you can't have Mr Whippy style soft ice cream - not sure of the exact reasons but I really missed it last week when my sister & nieces all had one!
maybebaby said:
The big one to remember as the weather gets nice again is you can't have Mr Whippy style soft ice cream - not sure of the exact reasons but I really missed it last week when my sister & nieces all had one!

The machine they come out of cant be cleaned properly and you could get salmonella from them!
lea m said:
maybebaby said:
The big one to remember as the weather gets nice again is you can't have Mr Whippy style soft ice cream - not sure of the exact reasons but I really missed it last week when my sister & nieces all had one!

The machine they come out of cant be cleaned properly and you could get salmonella from them!

Yuk! It doesn't seem quite so appealing now...
The main things i heard about avoiding were caffeine and alcohol - both of which i had before i found out i was pregnant!!! Also mayonaise apparently, but i hate that stuff so thats fine, and i don't know how true that is.
Beth88 said:
The main things i heard about avoiding were caffeine and alcohol - both of which i had before i found out i was pregnant!!! Also mayonaise apparently, but i hate that stuff so thats fine, and i don't know how true that is.

It's only homemade mayonnaise, the shop bought stuff is fine. But it's worth asking in restaurants because they sometimes make their own.

I think the caffeine limit is 6 cups of tea of 3 cups of coffee a day. I've cut back to 3 mugs of tea which I guess is about right.
I didn't realise you had to avoid coleslaw and potato salad. I've been eating both although thanks to morning sickness I'm not overly keen on them at the moment. :puke:
Something else I meant to say is that people keep telling me you shouldn't eat pineapple when pregnant as it can relax your cervix. I've gone off pineapple at the moment but love the stuff. How true is this? Or is it just one of those old wives tales.
Coleslaw & potato salad is fine - it's just because of the mayo thing so if it's shop bought it's pasturised so it's fine.

Pineapple can allegedly help bring on labour but it has to be eaten in vast quantities and as far as I remember there's no actual proof that it makes any difference. I don't think there's any reason to avoid it.

Thought of another don't - be careful when you have a bath, it shouldn't be too hot & you can't use bath soak that contains clary sage as it can be dangeroius in early pregnancy.
blimey i didnt know about the bath stuff
so far we have....
no cat litter
no dog poop
no home made mayo
only well cooked eggs
limit tea and coffee
no alchohol
limited tuna
no mr whippy
no brie of similar
no lambing
NO SEX (well thats what i told my hubby anyway) :shhh:
maybebaby said:
lea m said:
maybebaby said:
The big one to remember as the weather gets nice again is you can't have Mr Whippy style soft ice cream - not sure of the exact reasons but I really missed it last week when my sister & nieces all had one!

The machine they come out of cant be cleaned properly and you could get salmonella from them!

Yuk! It doesn't seem quite so appealing now...

The van stopped outside my house earlier but I couldn't find my purse in time. Lucky I didn't have one.
hennaly its only fresh tuna you need to limit not the canned stuff.
goats cheese is a no no
i fancy muscles now but i know i cant have them :(
babydust said:
hennaly its only fresh tuna you need to limit not the canned stuff.
goats cheese is a no no
i fancy muscles now but i know i cant have them :(
eeek i love goats cheese oh no now what am i going to have on my pasta. :wall:
No sushi unless it has been frozen beforehand. The supermarket sets are okay but maybe not restaurant sushi. This is because raw fish may contain little worms that only die upon freezing.

I even feel sick just typing this. I don't think I can ever eat sushi again now!! :puke:
no liver and no pate :( i love pate
you should avoid peanuts in some cases too but i cant remember what they were :think: xxxx
rach said:
no liver and no pate :( i love pate
you should avoid peanuts in some cases too but i cant remember what they were :think: xxxx

I was told that peanuts should be avoided especially if there is a history of excema , asthma or allergies in your family. Ive been avoiding peanuts because my husband's family have asthma.

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