

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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My OH suggested we buy a doppler to hear our babys heartbeat whenever we get a bit worried bout things due to my history of MC
Has anyone got 1 & if so what are they like & which 1 would you recommend... I have no clue :?
Thanx :D
Yeah ive thought about this, id be interested to hear anyone reviews on these etc? x

I got my doppler through the post yesterday - it's a BF500c (without the digitial readout display) and it cost £25 off ebay and I managed to pick up the heartbeat straight away.

To hear the sound of your baby's heartbeat for the first time has got to be one of the most wonderful and reassuring sounds you will probably hear and as I wouldn't of got to hear my little one's HB until I'm 17 weeks I brought it for my own piece of mind.

Definately a worthwhile investment. :D

Dopplers are fantastic when they work.... but when you have difficulty they can send you into a panic ..... So depending on the type of person you are....they can be great or terrible..... is this a stress you can do without? or is this reasurance you really really need? :think:

A question I have asked myself..... and still asking :rotfl:
like you I have lost before and I know both sides of the coin... I have 2 living children...I am expecting again now 13 weeks, but don't plan to move to 2nd tri until AFTER i get my scan tomorrow.... Just to be sure...worry wart....
But my losses have always been after this stage... so..... eeekkk... do i want a doppler too ? ? ? :rotfl:

Mothercares are meant to be rubbish.. i know that much...also know you can hire them with option to buy... and i know of lots of mums who bought from Ebay too.... but whether there history of use is an issue? old, used, unreliable, no guarantee's etc......

See the can of worms opened up .....eekkkk I think i just want a shot orf one... any mums in East Kilbride area? ? ? :rotfl:
Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
I didn't think of Ebay... thanks for that :D

Your just like me :D sooooo many questions and things to think about! :D all of that has gone through my head too "to doppler or not to doppler.... that is the question" :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just don't think I can wait until I'm nearly 15 weeks before I even get 1st scan (the care in my area is a total disgrace & considering my previous losses you'd think I'd get an earlier scan than that)
I heard the same thing bout mothercare ones too!
Thanks for advice even tho I'm bit more confused now :lol: :lol:
I have the Angel Sounds Doppler. It says it detects from 11+ weeks but I heard LO just after 9 weeks and I've got a lot of padding in that area!! :oops: It cost around the £25 marker brand new from a sellers store on Ebay - oh and £1 for a bottle of ultrasound gel too!! Highly recommended from me.

i got mine on ebay... i think it was about £30.. i also had 2 miscarriages so i really wanted to make i knew what going on in this pregnancy

i worked a treat... mines called angel sounds... it works from about 12 weeks so i would get that one.

good luck hun it's great fun :D

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